Scholars raise concern on some members of reconciliation commission


ADDIS ABABA- Some members of the recently established National Reconciliation Commission who were selected by the MPs should be precluded from membership as the public has concern on their impartiality, according to scholars. The scholars stated that some of the members had been involved in previous regime, which had committed gross human right violations and instigated ethnic tensions. Sissay Menigiste (PhD) Law Lecturer at A.A.U told to the Ethiopian Herald that though the members of the commission are selected from different religious and ethnic background and include community elders, celebrities and politicians, some of them were part of the problems the nation had been suffering for years. ‘‘The national reconciliation commission should be free of bias. However, some individuals have been included in the commission which makes the commission susceptible to the complaint of lack of neutrality. Thus, they should be left out from the commission,’’ he stated. Sisay mentioned individuals like the ExPrime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn and some opposition political parties members should not been included in the commission since,one way or another, they may have role in the human right violation being committed.And, no need to mention, members of opposition political parties could prove partial. As to him, still there is time to include impartial members and to exclude those who have not public acceptance and the Prime Minister should take measures heeding public’s concerns and recommendations. Meanwhile, choosing Cardinal Birihaneyesus and the famous Yetineberish Niguse as chairperson and vice chairperson respectively should be appreciated as good move Sissay lauded. Temesigen Tesema Law lecturer at Wollo University for his part said that the National Reconciliation Commission would bring peace, stability and harmony through resolving misunderstandings and discontents which had been affecting the nations for several years. ‘‘The establishment of the commission is crucial to create reconciliation among Ethiopians. We should say enough is enough with regard to what we had lost and we have to start a new journey under the new reform. But some of the members should be precluded since people consider them as orchestrators of the problem. Members should also be free of political affiliation to any party and ethnic bias. Hence, the reconciliation process would be genuine,’’ he asserted. Temesgen is of the opinion that the public should know the background of the reconciliation commission as members are expected to fulfill their responsibility without ethnic and political bias. ‘‘Since it would be highly crucial for the future of our country’s national consensus, we should take this golden opportunity seriously. We have to focus on best fits that are capable of handling the task closing doors left ajar for doubt. The members should work to bring Ethiopians together. However, the selection process of some members show the government has not extensively deliberated on their background.This should be corrected,’’ he noted. Temesgen has also criticized the inclusion of Ex-Premier Hailemariam Desalegn who was part of the problem being witnessed in the unreformed EPRDF. ‘‘In my opinion, the ex-premier has not public acceptance for inclusion in the commission. Because he was the prime minister of the nation and hence responsible for what was happened during his tenure. He couldn’t be reconciliatory member as he was the main actor of the problems being created. There are also society members who pose questions on him. So people like him should be sidelined from the commission,’’ he stressed. The instructor recommended the inclusion of public figures and respected individuals instead of those seen by the suspicious eyes of the public. ‘‘The important mission of the commission should be saving the country and its people from further chaos and destruction. Thus, those who are not legitimate to be members should be excluded from the commission and replaced by ones best-placed to conduct a fair investigation.’’ The other issue Temesgen raised lies in the fact that the commission should cover all parts of the country and try to address problems in remote areas. It was learnt that the National Reconciliation Commission, which consists 41 members, was established in the last few months and approved by the House of People Representative.

The Ethiopian Herald February 17/2019


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