A land of religious tolerance

At this point in time, overhearing unpleasant issues pertaining to unrests and conflicts taking place in some parts of the country are turning out to be not uncommon agendas given that to dos are orchestrated by unreformed ones targeting at derailing the reform, learnt The Ethiopian Herald. As to Sheikh Miraji Endris, considering the swift reform surfacing nationwide, some of the unreformed ones have been endeavoring to stoke instability in some parts of the country bringing into play a range of ploys. Even worse, the untransformed ones make an effort to provoke religious conflicts between Christians and Muslims by barefacedly setting fire on churches and mosques positioned in some parts of the country. He continued: “They spare no effort to hijack the ongoing reform so as to flare up turmoil throughout the country. But their dream cannot come anywhere near success provided the change is the outcome of the concerted effort of the people of Ethiopia.” He added: “The unreformed ones have been endeavoring to draw a new card that helps put Christians and Muslims asunder. They would like to smash the existing bond between the two religions. No matter how far they travel, such losers’ effort for sure will not bear fruit. Ethiopians should work hand-inglove with a view to consolidating the ongoing reform taking place across the country.” He further added if citizens maintain their chemistry, they can see a brighter Ethiopia down the road. There is no gainsaying the fact that Ethiopians are known for their hospitality, kindness, unity, harmony, among others. Above and beyond, it is public secret that Ethiopia is a land of religious tolerance beyond a shadow of doubt. Deacon La’ake Mariyam for his part said, “Ethiopians are on familiar terms with the culture of tolerance and respect. As custom dictates, in Ethiopia, everybody respects everyone. In fact, this is our culture. But at this point in time, the unreformed ones are endeavoring to stoke instability in some parts of the country by fabricating stories and designing conspiracy which can lead the country to uncharted waters. They would like to create hatred amongst the people of Ethiopia creating religious divisive wedges. In vain they hallucinate to divided members of the two faiths that surfed the tide of time with super chemistry. They forget to remind themselves it was closing ranks members of the two faiths chased out enemies. He added: “Ethiopia is the first country to accept Islam. While his religion was acid tested, Prophet Muhammed was more persuaded that his toddling religion would enjoy a better baby siting service in Ethiopia. Add to that Bilal was Ethiopian. Hence for long, religious issues were not a problem in Ethiopia.” He stressed strengthening the tolerance culture is a must to see a developed Ethiopia where religious communities and their institutions stand together for peace, love, justice, human dignity and mutual respect. Also, the general public should work in union. “As to me, the general public irrespective of age, sex, religion and ethnicity should work in unison so that Citizens can take Ethiopia to the helm of success within the shortest time possible,” he wrapped up.


The Ethiopian Herald February 17/2019


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