Heavy prices elites paid for want of freedom


Truth and reconciliation becoming the last resorts

By name calling and directing demeaning labelsat elites, it is a historical remembrance that Addis Ababa University (A.A.U) had expelled 40 professors in the early days of EPRDF’s reign. Professor Mindaralew ZewdIe, who used to inject in his PSIR lectures “True to the fad of the time, if enclave I must myself in narrow confines, I cannot shrink narrower than the continent of Africa,” is among the instructors who was fired by officials of A.A.U. Instructor of Philosophy, a subject given a cold shoulder by the unreformed government, he had to fend for himself by other means. He was downhearted. So he recoiled to his roots, a village in Northern Ethiopia. Withstanding the feeling, by the will of God, he began to eke out a living engaged  in farming. With a heart beaming over with forgiveness, this instructor turned farmer tried to showcase for evil doers how to win bread sowing perseverance and exertion on the road of life, at times full of hairpin turns his soul’s tree anchored roots. He coped up with miserly, grief, suffering, hatred and retaliation, in bad mood. On many occasions he had seesawed between life and death. Generally,to date,he is subject tomental and physical injury. Currently, this journalist found him in a hospital’s bed while undergoing treatment for a kidney failure. There is no gainsaying inhuman treatments and social injustices had reigned supreme throughout the country for close two three decades in Ethiopia. Just because he was a votary of unity and social justice, the trigger-happy and egoistic government official selongated his suffering goading him even in his new shell— farming. Then, with undaunted spirit, enthusiasm in bad mood. On many occasions he had seesawed between life and death. Generally,to date,he is subject tomental and physical injury. Currently, this journalist found him in a hospital’s bed while undergoing treatment for a kidney failure.

There is no gainsaying inhuman treatments and social injustices had reigned supreme throughout the country for close two three decades in Ethiopia. Just because he was a votary of unity and social justice, the trigger-happy and egoistic government official selongated his suffering goading him even in his new shell— farming. Then, with undaunted spirit, enthusiasm and courageous initiation, he authored 12 books both in Amharic and English versions. Yesenadar Senkesar,Borrowing Freedom, Cultural riddles in Ethiopia, Moral limbo in Africa is among his research-based books. This may help him to resuscitate his selfesteem and self-confidence. However, he cannot assuage the feelings of hatred and retaliation. In this regard, Addis Ababa University College of Law and Governance Assistant Professor SisayMengiste said that endorsing transitional justice proves amicable to underpin the current reform activity and nip conflicts in the bud. Adding, he said it is an indispensible duty to deflate thefeeling of hatred and retaliation.

This will help to trace the root causes of conflict and utilize its effect through truth telling and reconciliation. Both are paramount to solve deep-seated and residual feelings. He noted that transitional justiceserves a viable instrument to arrestdrastic intensity of conflict. It as well helps to contain violence. If possible it enables people to look for alternative solutions topolitical upheavals, hate crime,retaliation and genocide in an effort to settle things in amicable ways and reconciliation. ‘’The government should exploit the untapped potential of homogenous conflict resolution means andapproach community leaders to discourage non peaceful demonstrations and violent acts,’’ he highlighted. He pointed out that reconciliation, administrative and judicial execution could afford communities a quantum leap to dismantle uprising, vengeance, violence and hate crimes. He wrapped up with “The country had gone astray .As such, it had been suffering social chaos, political instability and genocide for the last 40 years. Human right violations, elites’ uprising, political murmuring, herd mentality, glittering generalities, restriction of freedom of the press and property right were manifested, here and there, in the mind state of native people and its governance body.’’

The Ethiopian Herald February 17/2019



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