Nipping liquor, cigarette addiction in the bud  


Seeing that children are successors of the country, of late, the House of People’s Representatives had reached on an agreement to ban advertisements that promote alcohol as well as public smoking in all places of work, areas where commuters make use of public transport, spots frequented by people, among others. According to WHO’s reports alcohol conspires to exacerbate not a few diseases. It is believed that the causes of most breast, liver, esophagus, oropharynx, colorectal, liver, breast cancers have strong connection with alcohol. More often than not, alcohol use is associated with cardiovascular outcomes consisting of hypertensive disease, hemorrhagic stroke, atrial fibrillation and what not. The Ethiopian Herald had a short stay with scholars to have their feelings, ideas and thoughts pertaining to the banning of alcohol adverts and public smoking. Elias Kalayu is Founder and Executive Director of the Meqoamia Community Development Organization.

He said, “There is no stone relevant bodies and I left unturned to make alcohol advertising and promotion on media outlets of the country illegal. Honestly speaking, I had been working my fingers to the bone every so often.” He kept on saying, “In reality, some months ago the bill was submitted to the House. Afterward, the Chairwoman of the standing committee reinstated the resolution to the House consisting of key amendments and inclusions. Moreover, it has clearly demonstrated stricter requirements for the most part to designate the age limit of tobacco and alcohol users. In earlier times, anybody after his/her 18th birthday could pay and drink alcoholic drinks from a wide spectrum of bars, restaurants and pubs with no trouble.

He stressed that as most youths in lower boundary of this age category could not be matured enough, the age limit was not that helpful to shape their mindset to be on the right track. The former law had been casting a shadow on the bright future of children. But the good thing is, the new bill makes direct and indirect advertisement or offering of tobacco to any children under the age of twenty one illegal. He further stressed that the draft bill has not only entailed the embargo on smoking but also selling tobacco in various places such as healthcare facilities, government organizations, and higher learning institutions, among others. The bill specifies that it shall be against the law to put up for sale any alcoholic drinks to anyone below 21. Also, smoking and tobacco use are entirely forbidden under the amended proclamation.

“It was also learnt that as per the new bill, tobacco packaging should be accompanied by conspicuous remarks about the health hazard the product could cause on smokers. Besides, previously  liquors having a 10 percent alcoholic content could be promoted through broadcast after prime time. But after the Standing Committee’s revision, the bill prohibits total advertisement of alcoholic drinks through media broadcasting,” he concluded. Gelawdious Alelegne is a psychologist by profession. He said relating to the matter, “Most electronic media outlets of the country focus on alcohol advertisement and promotion. They deafen our ears through alcohol advertisements that could make our children go astray. I really hate to death their heartbreaking advertisements, which do not add a drop to the wellbeing of the general public.” He continued: “Alcohol advertisements are dominating most media outlets of the country at this point in time. From morning till night, the latter fully get themselves involved in alcohol advertising and promotion. Whenever one watches TV, one comes across a range of alcoholic drinks in addition to talking as if alcoholic drinks play a major role in one’s life. Hence, some of the youths are getting off the track. ” He stressed that More than a few youths have been suffering from a range of alcohol related problems.  As a result, some of them are leading a heartrending life every so often. As to me, outlawing alcohol advertisement and public smoking is the right decision made by the government at the right time seeing that it helps the youth to turn their back on alcoholic drinks. Sad to say, the country’s youngsters had been off the track for years. “More often than not, most youths make an effort to follow the behavior of ill-mannered individuals thinking that they are heading on the right track. The youth should busy themselves on ways how to contribute their share for the development of the country than spoiling their precious time. Whenever one watches alcoholic adverts, one’s interest could arouse,” he wrapped up. Eshetu Bekele is an alcohol addict all his born days. He said pertaining to the banning of public smoking and alcohol advertisements, “I drink alcohol now and then. I cannot distance myself from drinking alcohol. I feel like a fish out of water without alcohol. Though I work my fingers to the bone day in and day out I do not save money as I squander it on alcohol. I am good for nothing. I am a penniless person though I get a lot of money at the moment. There is too much alcohol in my blood than water. I live under the same roof with my wife. We have a son.” He added, he invested most of his income on alcohol. As the money that he got is not sufficient. He could not take care of his wife and son. He could not actively do anything without alcohol. He was not in a good term with them in this regard. Pertaining to alcohol, he often argued black is white. He was suffering from a widearray of diseases. Though he was given a warning from various doctors to distance himself from alcohol, he failed to do so. He said “I had turned out to be a laughing stock. Worse, I had exposed my family to trouble. I wish the ban was a bit early.” “My future is hanging in the balance. I do not know how to pull myself out of the alcohol addiction which is binding my hands and feet. I am leading a meaningless life with my wife and children. I am intending to approach recovery centers,” he winded up.

The Ethiopian Herald February 17/2019


















The Ethiopian Herald February 17/2019


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