Arsi Mountains National Park: The most attractive park

Arsi Mountains National Park is a newly established (2011) national park located in Oromia State, southeastern part of Ethiopia. The park consists of four fragment blocks that are no longer connected to each other, namely, Dera (13 km2), Chilalo-Galama (792 km2), Kaka (104 km2), and Hunkolo (22 km2) blocks.

The three blocks, Chilalo-Galama, Kaka, and Hunkolo, are highland mountain ecosystems characterized by similar biophysical characteristics, once connected to each other before human settlements, deforestation, and agricultural expansion separated the fragments.

For centuries, though there was a forest around the park’s area, improper land and environmental uses like intensive or shifting cultivation, ranching there was a time at which the area was totally changed into desert and became inconvenient for both wildlife and human beings which caused the migration and disappearance on the life of all living things including human beings.

To halt this, under the cooperation of community leaders, activities have been undertaken by local people to reforest the area. As a result, it is possible to reinstate the area and make it convenient for all living things- birds and mammals. Following this, the government enclosed the area as a national park in 2011. Currently, a lot of trees and shrubs like Balanites aegyptica, Acacia senegal, Strychnos spinosa (monkey orange), Ficus sycomorus, Euphorbia  abyssinica, Opuntia ficus-indica, Acacia abyssinica, Solanum habrochaites, Acacia seyal, Terminalia brownie are found in the park.

Girma Teklehaymanot Head of the park said that the area has amazing geography that can entice the mind and body of humans resulted from volcanic eruption.

As to him, the activities of expanding the boundary of the park has been undertaken two years ago and nine kebeles were incorporated under the park. The park though has copious eye catching and charming attractions, (plant species and wildlife) because it is established recently and sufficient promotional activities are not made, it is not known as much as its resources and attractions.

 He stressed that local community has been obtained awareness creation on afforestation and reforestation activities to protect the wildlife and other natural resources around by growing trees. As a result, the community has been implementing the National Green Legacy Program through planting various seedlings. By doing so, they planted indigenous trees within and around the park.

Mentioning that the park is located in the closest area of the Dhera Town, the office has been working the beautification of the park in partnership with town’s administration. Currently, the number of local and foreign tourists visiting the park has been increasing from year to year; and a large number of local tourists from Adama and Dhera are visiting the site.

The Ethiopian Herald July 29, 2020


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