Incentivizing diasporas’ engagement

Though the role of the government can break or make diasporas’ actual contribution towards their countries of origin, the community brings lofty blessings to their homeland ranging from finance to expertise. In what could be tantalizing instance, the financial contribution in terms of the highly sought remittance exceeds the annual export earnings. But again, governments, which may have much to gain by tapping into the resources of the diasporas are key players in facilitating or hindering the use of emigrant skills, capital and know-how to aid development.

Over the last decades, the engagements of the diasporas had been limited for various reasons. They have been marginalized from the domestic affairs of the country which both cast a shadow on the internal and external images of the country.

The fracture between the government and the diasporas have also had its fair share of economic impact on the country. Even foreign aids were withheld due to excess pressure by Ethiopian. It also painted a gloomy image on the outside world.

Staggering numbers of diasporas were literally on the streets of foreign

countries in protest of the government demanding political and economic changes in the home country . Anti government rallies were a usual and common phenomena, noted Dr. Getahun Fenta African Oriental Studies and Research Department Head at Addis Ababa University.

However, the friendly gesture and increased political will being demonstrated by the incumbent towards the diasporas will create favorable opportunities for the community to be engaged enormously in the internal affairs of the country.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s political opening up and his move to mend the long restrained relation of the government with the diasporas , who have been main critic of his predecessors embarked on new era of hope for Ethiopians and Ethiopian origins seeking to engage on domestic affairs.

The country has seen many activists and politicians coming back home in large numbers following the political opening up hoping to take part role in reforming the country. With some taking highest positions , some are also providing their insights current and pressing issues of the country, according to Dr. Getahun.

Now that the government is opening up the political landscape and is heeding to main their concerns , the diasporas will appear to be more enthusiastic to expand their engagement in their country. Though too early to say, what the government doing is encouraging in stepping up diasporas’ engagement, according to Getahun.

As part of the government introduced Diaspora Fund , many diasporas are voluntarily coordinating and mobilizing the community to donate the minimum a dollar per day.

The appointment of individuals who were in self imposed and forced exiles with high caliber will help to democratize the country. In fact, those who left for political reasons might find it easier to return home than economic migrants.

Undertaking Institutional reform and redressing corruption and other forums of maladministration and expanding economic opportunities will attract economic migrants back to home. The government’s pledge of decent housing scheme, receptive educational system and planned legal reforms may help create conduce climate for the diasporas to invest their expertise in their country. This pledge will attract economic migrants back to home.

The Diaspora Agency which is on being organized and the appointment of seasoned and hand-dubbed diplomats to head foreign missions will ease the barriers that diasporas face. There is also a desire to establish viable businesses in their country by the diasporas, said Chief Executive Director, Abrham Seyoum .

“We believe that the country has a lot to benefit from the diasporas . The issue of dual citizenship must be discussed and settled . This section of society should not only be engaged economically but also politically.’’ The association is organizing forums to brief returnees with customs and investment matters. The government need to facilitate opportunities and provide investment incentives and closely work with the association with regard to Diaspora Fund.

As part of the government introduced Diaspora Fund, many diasporas are voluntarily coordinating and mobilizing the community to donate the minimum a dollar per day, he added.

If promises are turned in to progress, the country could see a big margin increase in its remittance earning if it undertakes major departure in its financial system particularly by slashing money transfer fee which is one of the highest in the east African region and also by countering illicit money inflow.

On the other hand, the diasporas community can inject expertise and technological knowhow to the overall advancement of the country. The diasporas draw the much needed expertise from the host countries. Diasporas also serve in high profile positions across multiple disciplines including health, and other high tech sectors. Upon their return , the experts can also foster knowledge transfer as practitioners and trainers. Having the capital and knowledge as well as other resources, diasporas also help pull more direct investment to the country through joint or other ventures.

The Ethiopian herald February 15/2019


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