Leapfrog to keep momentum!

The 7th Ethiopian National Defense Forces(ENDF) Day,culminated yesterday with grand events in the rift valley town of Adama,had come on the heels of an all-round reform in the country that has significantly reshaped the defense sector.

Among others, the reform is due to make the Forces effective and efficient in executing missions,being representative in composition and transparent in practices. In other words, the restructuring works have given the Forces a shape that looks the larger Ethiopia.

Reforming ENDF was among the priorities of Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed’s administration.

And the job accomplished in this regard has not only been taken as successful but the example alsoi lluminates the way to other sectors thataim at building responsive public institutions.

Fitting the Force in the dictates of modern time in term of organization, knowledge, technology and equipment put further impetus in defending the country’ss overeignty. Particularly, the swift technological developments in the globe, unless met with measures that help to catch up with these same dynamisms, can make countries vulnerable in many ways.

For instance, cyber-attack is an imminent threat to countries including those which are origins of sophisticated technology. Thus, one of the aspirations of Ethiopia is to build cyber force that reduces risks in this regard, not to mention plan to restore the reputable naval force.

The reform basically ensures the consolidation of common vision among the uniformed and non-uniformed personnel of the Force. The fruits of the tasks accomplished so far help to take the country’s growth to the next level, in addition to its benefits to international peace and security.

The Horn region is one of the most important ones in shaping current and future international security complex. This is so due to the international maritime trade along

the Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. Security problem in any of the country of the region can spillover to other parts of Africa and becomes huge stress to the international community.

This has practically been witnessed over the last years.

That is why the measure as well intensifies Ethiopia’s contribution to regional and international peace.

It is a stark reality that ENDF has been paying sacrifices in life in the international peacekeeping missions.In addition to the bravery of our Forces, their reputation has also spread across the globe in executing duties ethically and professionally.

The Forces has always been frontrunner to protect lives when natural and manmade problems surface. It always serves the interests of the citizenry and the country. Internationally, all stakeholders speak in unison for the Forces’unwavering commitment in restoring peace and security.

ENDF, therefore, mainly stands to protect the interests of Ethiopia and Ethiopians. But historical and contemporary records of the Force tell us that it is also the invaluable asset of vulnerable communities when they face with imminent threats.

What is more, the current reform on the ENDF is a complete recipe to build its capacity in all respects. In the near future, Ethiopia will start to discharge its global commitment along the sea and the cyber world as well.

The region deserves better prosperity. Prosperity cannot come independently of the capacity to avoid threats and defend oneself. The reform undertaken on the Force is exactly in line with this.

The reforms that have been taking place within the military to address issues of transparency and other gaps brought remarkable results as Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed said it in his address at the culmination of ENDF Day celebration yesterday. The ardent jobs accomplished so far and other works in the pipeline are, thus, sure to boost the Forces’ national and international reputations!

The Ethiopian herald February 15/2019


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