Corporation targets 7 mln. ql. sugar production

ADDIS ABABA– Ethiopia would fully satisfy its sugar demands with domestic production by end of the next fiscal year [due to start July 8], said Ethiopian Sugar Corporation.

The annual national demand of sugar is estimated to be overseven million quintals, Corporate Communication Executive Officer GashawAychiluhim told The Ethiopian Herald.

“Various works are in the pipeline to grow the annual sugar production to over five million quintals by the end of the fiscal years in effect.”

As to him,eight factories produce sugar currently including Wonji-Shewa, Matahara, Fincha, Kessem, Tehdaho, Arjo, Omo Kuraz II andOmoKuraz III.

Other five factories which are Omo Kuraz I, Omo Kuraz V, TanaBeles I and Tana Beles II and Wolkaite are at their construction phase.

Ethiopia has 1.4 million hectare of land favorable to sugar production, he said, explaining that the country can produce 1,620 quintals of sugarcane per hectare within 15 months, according to him.

Annual sugar demand per individualis estimated at 10kg, and current supply per individual stands at 7 kg while the country importsup to three million quintals a year, it was learnt.

The Ethiopian herald February 15/2019



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