Ethiopia:- The historic wonder under restoration

Despite their poor maintenance, the historical sites in the country vividly portray the genuine history of the people of Ethiopia. By looking at the palaces, one can recognize the untold history of ancient Kings and Queens. The nation is rich in historic sites. However, almost all of them need mending and restoration so as to keep them decorated and scenery.

The palace of Abba Jifar is among the historical places. The palace has been ruining until the recent start of the project of renewing the longstanding traditional buildings of the King Abba Jifar of Jimma. The project is expected to restore the beauty of the palace.

Abba Jifar was the son of Abba Magal, who was a leader of the Diggo Oromo. He built his regime upon the political and military base his father had provided him, and created the Kingdom of Jimma. Consequently, Jimma was no longer referred to as Jimma Kaka in common parlance, but as Jimma Abba Jifar.

Aba Jifar Palace is among the most important heritage sites in the Oromia Regional state and a symbol of cultural identity. Located on the outskirts of the city of Jimma, the capital of Jimma zone, Oromia, the current Palace was built by King Aba Jifar II in the 1880s on a site located seven kilometers north of Jimma and chosen by the King’s father.

At 2,000 meters above sea level, the site was selected for its commanding location, from which it was possible to monitor enemy movements, and because it was above the malaria-prone low lands of the town center. The Kingdom of Jimma grew to prominence due to its control of the caravan routes with the Kingdom of Kaffa to the south, and its connection to ports on the northern Somali coast, which linked it to major trade routes crossing the Indian Ocean. The Palace is considered as a symbol of the introduction of Islam to the region.

The Palace is the oldest, largest and best preserved surviving example of traditional wooden architecture in Jimma. It is a fusion of traditional building technology from south-western Ethiopia and the Indo-Arab architectural style, which was common in settlements around the Indian Ocean. There are strong stylistic parallels between architectural features at the Palace and Indian mercantile architecture found in Zanzibar and along the mainland coast of East Africa.

Other wooden buildings in Addis Ababa and elsewhere in Ethiopia were built in the Indo-Arab style, but none combined this style with traditional southern-Ethiopian building traditions. The Palace is an important indicator of cultural and mercantile links between the highlands of Ethiopia and the outside world.

According to Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP), Aba Jifar Palace is a highly important structure in Oromia and a protected historic monument in Ethiopia. However, its condition is a cause of serious concern. Many of the decorative wooden elements such as fascia boards, column capitals and decorated brackets, which give the structure to its cultural and historical character has been disintegrating, as to AFCP.

Thus, the restoration project carried out in the past decade replaced damaged decorative elements with unsympathetic reproductions that detract from the site’s authenticity. There is evidence of subsidence in the masonry super-structure of the Palace and mosque, and much of the interior part is in a very poor condition.

With the support of a grant from the AFCP, conservation at Aba Jifar Palace commenced in November 2018 with an inauguration ceremony at the Palace attended by US Ambassador Michael Raynor and the Minister of Culture and Tourism, Dr. Hirut Kassaw as guests of honor.

Abdulmalik Mussa, Head of Culture and Tourism Bureau of Jimma city, told The Ethiopian Herald that the project was planned to be completed in 18 months. However, the break out of the corona virus pandemic has slowed down the construction process. Near to half of the renewal project has been completed. The whole project is expected to be finalized in one year, he noted.

Abdulmelik said that the project has consumed about 3 million Birr yet. The cost of the project increases based on the range of the restoration. The need for building material may escalate the cost of the project. Thus, the project may incur additional cost, as to him.

The project includes beautifying the surrounding along with the restoration of the palace. Renewing of the historical houses of Abba Jobir, Abba Dula and Meji Public mosque are additional projects, Abdulmelik added.

The Ethiopian Herald July 21, 2020


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