Defense reform well underway: Deputy Chief of Staff

ADDIS ABABA – General Berhanu Jula, Deputy Chief of Staff and Head of Military Operations of Ethiopian National Defense Force told the Amharic daily Addis Zemen yesterday that reforming the defense force is underway well and a continual process that may take several years.

The Ministry of Defense has so far taken various reform measures so as to proportionate its staff members and enable them effectively accomplish their mission, the General said.

As to him, the reform underway has twelve programs. “We have changed the defense structure. Now, we are working to have naval and cyber forces. Attitudinal changes of defense members so as to ensure their neutrality and trustworthiness among others are the main successes of the reform programs.” As a result, the mistrust of the public towards the army has been shunning off, he added.

Members of the defense force at different levels are working to achieve their mission of defending the country’s sovereignty and contributing extra efforts towards development, he added.

“The national defense force will continue to upgrade its capacity to defend the country’s sovereignty and maintain peace and stability,” General Berhanu noted. He also called on the general public to sustain the ongoing reform by working with the defense force.

The Ethiopian Herald February 14 /2019


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