Mount Choke experiencing environmental degradation: Project

ADDIS ABABA- Choke Watershed and Development Project Office of the Debre Markos University said that Choke Mountain is experiencing environmental degradation as over more than 400, 000 people in the local community are dependent on it for their livelihood.

Abiyot Molla, Project Director, said Choke Mountain is facing severe environmental problems associated with overgrazing, deforestation and unsustainable agricultural practices. “The nearby communities are dependent on the resources for food, fuels, construction and the likes.”

Low level of awareness regarding the impact of environmental degradation among the local community and the multidimensional advantages of the mountain and the watershed system is exacerbating the problem, he said.

More than 400,000 farmers are dependent on the choke mountain watershed system but unfortunately there has not been any meaningful work in terms of ensuring their participation in conserving the ecosystem. The resources of the mountain are over exploited because of the high population pressure.

Choke is the source of 23 major rivers and 273 small streams flowing into the Blue Nile. Environmental degradation triggered by human and natural factors, the natural resources of the mountain are losing ground from time to time.

Lack of awareness and concern among the local population and policy makers about the economic,  biological and scientific significance of the ecosystem in the area remains a major challenge, Abiyot added.

According to him, the project is undertaking multidisciplinary research and development projects concerning Choke Mountain Watersheds to solve the problem of the community living in and around the area to ensure sustainable utilization of the resources.

He stated that Choke Mountain needs special attention because of its central importance for the region around the Blue Nile Basin.

He also noted if proper interventions are made, it is possible to restore the degraded ecosystem through hard work and commitment.

The Choke Mountain has a huge potential to become tourism and recreation center as it is endowed with unique and impressive landscape and biodiversity.

The Ethiopian Herald February 14 /2019


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