Miss AU vows to voice Africa’s socioeconomic dev’t

ADDIS ABABA – Lukwesa Morin, Miss African Union 2019, said that she will do her best to voice Africa’s quest for achieving socioeconomic development to ensure the interests of the youth.

The Zambian national, who was recently crowned 2019 Miss African Union, told The Ethiopian Herald on the sidelines of the 32nd African Union Heads of State and Government Assembly earlier this week that since winning the crown, she has been working with different embassies, diplomatic missions, international organizations and government authorities on ways to meaningful change the life of African youth and women.

She said her lobbying will specifically focus on entrepreneurship development, job creation, and curbing the impacts of climate change in Africa.

“African governments need to be committed more than ever to improve the lives of millions of youth and women through sustainable development, health and education expansion, and technological advancement.”

She also noted that Ethiopia is the right country to host the continental organization.

“I am delighted with the ongoing reform in Ethiopia, particularly with the fact that it gives due attention to the political empowerment of women,” she said speaking of the ongoing reform in the country.

The Ethiopian Herald February 14 /2019


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