Authority confirms to strengthen private aviations’ participation

ADDIS ABABA – The Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority (ECAA) vowed to extend efforts to promote the participation of private aviation institutions, deliver quality service and certify its human capital Speaking to The Ethiopian Herald, Animut Lemma Promotion and Public Relation Manager with the Authority said that the Authority had certified nearly 400 professionals in various areas in accordance with the set occupational competence standards of International Aviation Safety Assessment values.

It has also certified 216 pilots and 163 ground technicians. In the same way, while over three thousands professionals drawn from various departments have passed through and gained occupational competence renewal certificate, 1,443 aviation technicians have renewed their occupational certificates. “The Authority is working in collaboration with relevant stakes of the private and public aviation academies,” he reiterated.

The private aviation partnership has not well developed. However, currently, the Authority is working to revise the structures and has left open the sector for private initiatives. East Africa Aviation Academy General Manager Capitan Mulat Lemlemayehu for his part said that the Academy has been working with the Authority and it acknowledges the efforts the Authority exerted to flourish the private aviation industry.

As to the Capitan, though the efforts are there, the growth of the sector is not at the desired level. “For instance our neighbor Kenya has over 68 companies which are engaged in availing services to the customers. In our case, the private companies are still three.

What the good news is that the newly appointed Minster of Transport as well the crew are listening to our concern.” Now efforts are underway to address the private aviation firms and gaps are identified and resolved. The future seems to be bright for the industry for both customers and investors, he opined.

According to him, Authority’s efforts are commendable and the Academy is working its level best in actualizing safe and standard flight in all routes. It was leant that the Ethiopian Aviation Academy is one of the eight strategic business units of Ethiopian Airlines group and is certified by the Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority, the U.S Federal Aviation Administration, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), and IATA Safety Audit (IOSA).

The reputable and largest Academy in Africa, Ethiopian Aviation Academy, provides comprehensive trainings for pilots, aircraft maintenance technicians, cabin crew, marketing and leadership personnel.

The Ethiopian Herald, February 13/2019


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