Ethiopia at a crossroad: The fight against Covid-19

Researchers are speaking in remorse that the number of deaths due to Covid-19 started to increase astronomically in Italy, Spain and other European nations immediately after the provision of medical services that were being rendered in hospitals collapsed because of an uncontrollable surge of positive cases every day.

This is a wake-up call; which has serious implication to all of us. Put differently, Ethiopia is at a crossroad in this regard. The country has been witnessing a staggering number of positive cases in June compared with previous months. Almost two-thirds of the positive cases were registered in the last three weeks since the first two cases were identified three months ago. In the last two months alone, 1087 new positive cases are recorded; according to the report from The Ministry of Health( MoH). This signals the perilous projection of growth in the days and months to come. Adding pain to the injury, it has now become difficult to trace back how and where the new positive cases are contracting the virus, as it has already surged throughout the country. The daily report of MoH is depicting that the majority of positive cases being registered these days do not have any travel history.

From the outset, the government has been doing an amazing job. And it is poised to exerting utmost effort in curtailing the impact of the pandemic to the end. With 7000 quarantine centres established all over the country, it is closely following the developments of patients by providing intensive medical services. It is providing healthy and highly nourished foods to patients in quarantine centres pro bono; so as to enable them to recover as soon as possible. Doctors and nurses are carefully checking them up 24/7, putting their own lives at stake. Some 72 crew of the medical staff including their supports have been infected with Covid-19 recently in the line of duty, though few of them have managed to recover quickly. Here, I would like to acknowledge the professional probity of our medical crews who are strictly adhering to their professional oath to remember that they remain a member of society, with special obligations to all their fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.

The ratio of available health professionals in the country to the number of population is extremely small. Besides, they have to work in shift. Having as many trained manpower as possible readily available with the view of the increasing number of positive cases will become a real challenge. In fact, It is recalled that MoH has called upon and registered fresh graduates from med-Schools, instructors, even students and retired health professionals earlier in March; so as to help ease the burdens of health workers in the fight against Covid-19. This is a wise and flagship strategy for the rest of African countries to adapt, where the same shortage is likely to happen.

MoH has guaranteed life insurance to all medical crews and their supports staffs including janitors working in quarantine centers taking into account their high level of vulnerability to be affected by Covid-19. This is an appealing incentive given to them; irrespective of the obligation to serve with professional integrity.

True, these medical crews are highly susceptible to contract COVID -19 due to shortage of medical costumes and other facilities locally. Costume shortage is a global problem and was also witnessed in many European countries as one factor that resulted in the total collapse of the medical service provisions against the pandemic. In fact, preparations to produce these costumes locally are underway, which could be a major breakthrough for Ethiopian the effort to beating Covid-19.

Reaffirming what I said previously, I am really stunned by the government’s dedication to combating the pandemic. I am not entitled to speak on behalf of anyone but myself. I believe, what has been provided by the government so far is the best; anyone can ever dream of anywhere else in the world.

However, there is a reality we all should understand. The resources we have are limited and what has been provided by the government may not continue; unless all of us stand responsibly and with solidarity with the government in the national endeavour to combat Covid-19. Ethiopia is a poor nation and the economy is desperately trying to evolve in the last two years following the new change in the political system. The country’s financial back up to be utilized during crises had been brutally embezzled in the previous system of governance. Worse, the annual projected economic growth has been dwindling in the last three months following Covid-19. A recent report conducted by the premier to the House of Peoples Representative affirms the reality of the economic downturn in the last three months; which will shrink the annual projected economic growth of the year from nine to six per cent.

The bottom line, despite all these consolidated efforts which are being exerted by the government to beat the pandemic, the increasing trend of transmission of the virus in the society is really exasperating. MoH has announced its plan to launch home quarantine on June 21 in the near future, to patients whose cases are not severed, having any other health complications and if their houses are conducive to ensure safety. This has an implication to tell society. There may come a time when Covid-19 positive patients could not attain the current type of intensive treatments that are being provided by the government. That is why the article started by saying, Ethiopia is at a crossroad. All the financial expenditure of the government for treating patients will exhaust sometime in the future if the current status continues to persist. All these depend on the readiness of society to end Covid-19. There are two choices ahead of us. Either we do nothing and see our loved ones, our children, our brothers, sisters and parents passing away or pay attention to the basic preventive methods and pray for God for redemption right now. Let’s be more serious and stay alert in our day to day undertakings.

The Ethiopian Herald June 26/2020


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