Commissioner calls AU nations to fight peace, security threats

ADDIS ABABA – The African Union Peace and Security Commissioner Ambassador Ismael Shorge called upon African States to strengthen the anti-terror efforts and address security issues of the continent.

The Commissioner noted on Monday that the peace and security issues of the continent are improving, crediting the rapprochement between Ethiopia and Eritrea as exemplary. He also cited the peaceful elections held in many African countries, and the peaceful power transfer in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Madagascar as other manifestations of improving tides.

The current peaceful and stable state of Central African Republic and the ongoing efforts of the African Union peacekeeping force in Somalia were also lauded by the commissioner. However, the issue of Al-Shabaab is still a matter of concern. According to the commissioner, security threat such as Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram and those in the Sahel region still needs coordinated efforts.

Ambassador Shorge also noted that the AU member states agreed to settle the conflict in the Continent through all-round peace negotiations. Accordingly, he stressed the need to strengthen the anti-terrorism campaign to alleviate ongoing security problems in the Continent. The 32nd African Union leaders’ summit, which focuses on refugees, returnees and internally displaced persons, is concluded on Monday by passing various decisions.

The Ethiopian Herald, February 13/2019


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