Premier calls on health sectors consolidate efforts, improved healthcare system

ADDIS ABABA – Prime Minster Dr. Abiy Ahmed addressed CEO’s and Head of States at Africa Business Health Forum (ABHF) the need to put in place improved health systems that increase fair and affordable services.

Speaking at the Forum the Premier emphasized the need for affordable and quality healthcare for all, spearheaded by governments and private sector collaborative works. Investing in African health systems is an opportunity to accelerate economic development and growth, contribute to saving millions of lives, prevent life-long disabilities, and move countries closer to achieving Africa’s development agendas, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Agenda 2063.

He noted that, Health care is the backbone of a vibrant and productive society. The concerted efforts of all stakeholders to provide equitable and access to affordable medical care, hence, are of paramount importance. Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede, a renowned financier and Co-Chair, Global Fund, Co-Chairperson of the Board of GBC Health, for his part said that from a business standpoint, Africa is beginning to see the opportunities that could be created by focusing on improving and investing in health.”

He added; “There is a need to close the gap on the inequality of life in Africa from a healthcare standpoint and we must look to develop a universal plan as far as healthcare in Africa is concerned. Health must cease being a source of pain, and become a source of prosperity instead.” The forum is believed to culminate in the launch of the African Business Coalition for Health (ABC Health), a coalition that will mobilize a core group of private sector champions through a coordinated platform to advance health outcomes and shape health systems across Africa.

ABC Health will serve as the regional platform to unlock synergies that will contribute more directly to a healthy and prosperous Africa, enabled by collaboration and business partnerships, the Chairperson added. Aliko Dangote, President of Dangote Group also said that the best way to move Africa forward is to take bold action to step up its healthcare services.

“We must work together, across industries and with governments and communities, to foster innovation and drive more strategic investments that benefit us collectively. Now is the right time for a new cooperation in Africa that will position its people, communities and businesses for success, now and in the future,” he said.

Vera Songwe, Executive Secretary, of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) said: “The Commission will play a role in the design and implementation of policy frameworks around the financing of healthcare through Public Private Partnerships and the private sector. Building on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA), will also encourage regional trans boundary health investments especially in the pharmaceutical sector.”

It was learnt that ABHF aims to strengthen partnerships, promote an ongoing dialogue between the African private and public sectors, and foster opportunities for the private sector to contribute towards the collective efforts of key stakeholders in strengthening national health systems in Africa. Healthy populations matter for Africa’s long-term growth and sustainable development, and can be an avenue for economic gains through raised productivity, job creation and reduction of inequalities.

The Ethiopian Herald, February 13/2019


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