Ethiopia committed to voice Africa’s concerns : Ambassador

ADDIS ABABA- Ethiopia is so committed to work with its fellow African brothers and sisters for the fulfillment of the continent’s goals and to voice Africa’s concerns in each and every international arena, the newly appointed Ethiopian Ambassador to Senegal, Hassan Taju said.

Noting the noble contribution of leaders of Ethiopia and Senegal for the inception of the then Organization of African Unity, Ambassador Hassan expressed Ethiopia’s commitment to enhance partnership with Senegal and other West African countries for the fulfillment of Agenda 2063, which envisioned a prosperous and peaceful continent.

Ethiopia and Senegal share common position on the importance of Africa’s economic integration, and they are fully committed for the realization of Agenda 2063, he said, adding that the two countries active participation in regional stability make them ideal partners in continental affairs. Ethiopia and Senegal are also working on strengthening cooperation to prevent regional conflicts as well as combat international challenges such as transnational terrorism and militancy.

The ambassador noted that expanding Ethio-Senegal multifaceted relations by exploring new areas of cooperation and enhancing the longstanding diplomatic ties is one of his priorities during a tenure in Dakar. The relation between Ethiopia and Senegal would also hinge on a South-South approach. Regarding economic ties, Hassan said that attention has given to scale up the existing small-scale export of cut flowers and other semi-processed commodities to Senegal.

The West African country has also got into the list of Ethiopia’s export destinations and the export of cut flowers is in progress while activities are underway to expand export items. Stating Ethiopia obtained a significant amount of foreign currency from the export of cut flowers to Senegal, he indicated that leather and leather products and coffee are next on the export list. According to the ambassador, plan is also set to increase and diversify Ethiopia’s exportable commodities to Senegal.

Ambassador Hassan said that consolidating the participation of Ethiopian Diaspora and supporters of the Ethio-Senegal Partnership Association in Ethiopia’s various development agendas is the issue he attaches due attention. The relation between the two countries is growing since the celebration of the Ethiopian Millennium eleven years ago, he said, adding that the embassy was able to collect a sizable number of dollars from the Ethiopian community to finance the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

Ethiopian Embassy in Senegal would exert maximum efforts to mobilize more finance for the construction of the dam, the ambassador added. Besides Senegal, Ambassador Hassan also covers other six countries in the region, with efforts of ensuring the rights and benefits of Ethiopian citizens and mobilizing them on national issues.

Gambia, GuineaBissau, Cape Verde, Mauritania and Guinea are the countries covered by the Ethiopian embassy in Senegal. Ethiopia and Senegal enjoy over 50 years of diplomatic relations.

The Ethiopian Herald, February 12/2019




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