El- Sisi underlines need for creating more jobs for African youth

ADDIS ABABA- The incoming African Union (AU) Chairperson and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah elSisi underlined the need for creating more jobs for African youth, fostering regional economic integration, strengthening African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). He also vividly stated that these activities are his priorities in the new capacity.

Having elected as a new AU Chairperson for the year 2019, replacing Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame during the 32nd Ordinary Session of the AU Summit, El-Sisi said that he will focus on providing employment opportunities to the younger generation in a bid to increase the return of African youth to the continent and curtail human capital flight.

As to him, pursuing trans-African road and railway connectivity plan and ensuring infrastructure driven economic integration are among his top agendas. “Strengthening AfCFTA needs equal attention to reduce communication price thereby enhancing Africa’s competitiveness in the global market.” Noting the importance of African solutions to African problems, the chairperson said that African leaders are in the better position to understand the continent’s complex political challenges.

Mediation and preventive diplomacy will remain key mechanisms to promote peace and security in the continent. President El-Sisi expressed commitment to the realization of Agenda 2063 and strengthening the Union’s institutional capacity. Fighting terrorism and radicalism has also given due consideration to curtail the threat they pose in Africa’s hope for peace and development.

He further noted that African countries have also faced pressing issues, including climate change, environmental degradation and others; and they need to join hands to overcome the problems and to give a brighter future for their citizens. As part of his chairpersonship priorities, he said that Egypt give attention to a revitalization of the AU Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development (PCRD) framework policy in line with peace building in Africa and as part of the solutions to forced displacement in the continent.

“Africa needs stronger degree of cooperation and solidarity to attain its goals and to face today’s challenges,” he said, adding that the leaders are expected to ensure strong political commitment for dialogue and communication to resolve conflicts peacefully. El-Sisi also called on global development partners to work closely with Africa to capitalize on its rich human and natural potentials and exercise a win-win approach in the business and investment initiatives.

It is high time to the Developed World to treat Africa differently and the partners need to support the continent’s endeavors to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and honor their commitments for climate change as the major contributors for global warming, he remarked.

The Ethiopian Herald, February 12/2019


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