Influential attributes of a father in Ethiopian society

“A father in many Ethiopian households is attributed to have a serious behavior as value to shape a good conduct for children” PM Abiy mentioned this widely held notion while justifying his approach of showing his governments strength in the face of the challenges the country is facing.

“We can take a different approach to address the problems of instability than taking aggressive measures.”

Parenting is the most fulfilling job that we will ever have, but it is not without its challenges. Modern family life can be stressful and with various pressures on families it is not always easy. Ultimately, parents want what is best for their child and a strong parent-child relationship can help lead to better outcomes for children.

Fathers play a role in every child’s life that cannot be filled by others. This role can have a large impact on a child and help shape him or her into the person they become.

Ethiopians have unique cultural value of giving high respect and love for all fathers. Loving, actively involved fathers contribute to their children’s well-being and development, strengthening their self‑esteem. The presence of a caring father helps his child—boy or girl—to be more confident and to reach his or her full potential, said Tekalegn Gebremariam (Ph.D), Psychology Scholar.

Besides from their family role, Ethiopians also give high respect for fathers based on the heroic act that all forefathers made for the present and the never colonized Ethiopia, Tekalegn noted. In every aspects of life Ethiopians give due respect for fathers. Hence, fathers have different roles in a given community, particularly and for the country in general.

According to him, Ethiopian fathers are religious leaders, negotiators, reconcilers, arbitrators, heroes and fathers of all children in a country. This can also lead Ethiopian children to give great respect and love for fathers.

For one thing, Aleka Gebrehana, a father of tale is well known father of every children across the nation. And most Ethiopians have been grown by listening Aleka’s tales. Therefore, children considered all fathers like Aleka. And they become intimate with fathers to hear tales and similar story from them.

Ababa Tesfaye is a well‑known TV show character in the hearts of most children across the nation, especially with his sweet tales and suggestion. Coupled with them the contribution of Ethiopian patriots, religious leaders and other forefathers who made indispensable role for the current Ethiopia are also the reason for Ethiopian children to give high respect and love for Fathers at all.

“Our strong social bond has its own impact for the relation among children and fathers. For instance if Mr. X is Y’s father, he is also responsible for the children living in the same village. If every child in the village made a mistake, Mr. X can irritate and advise them as he appreciated and awarded them for right acts. And the children also take it positively because they are aware of that Mr. X is not only Y’s father but also their too,” Tekalegn added

Furthermore, fathers are also considered pillars of the house and the community as well. Especially they are pillars in the development of a child’s emotional wellbeing. Children look to their fathers to lay down the rules and enforce them. They also look to their fathers to provide a feeling of security, both physical and emotional.

Children want to make their fathers proud, and an involved father promotes inner growth and strength. Studies have shown that when fathers are affectionate and supportive, it greatly affects a child’s cognitive and social development. It also instills an overall sense of well-being and self‑confidence.

As per his idea, fathers also set the bar for relationships with others. Fathers not only influence that their children are inside, but how they have relationships with people as they grow. Friends, lovers, and spouses will all be chosen based on how the child perceived the meaning of the relationship with his or her father. The patterns a father sets in the relationships with his children will dictate how his children relate with other people.

“When we see the fact based on gender, young girls depend on their fathers for security and emotional support. A father shows his daughter what a good relationship with a man is like. If a father is loving and gentle, his daughter will look for those qualities in men when she’s old enough to begin dating. If a father is strong and valiant, she will relate closely to men of the same character,” he asserted.

Unlike girls, who model their relationships with others based on their father’s character, boys model themselves after their father’s character. Boys will seek approval from their fathers from a very young age. If a father is caring and treats people with respect, the young boy will grow up much the same.

As to him, both boys and girls did not take only their fathers as role model, but if there is any better father with a great personality, they will also try to shape themselves based on their role models. This can also illustrate the strongest social bond of Ethiopians community. And the way children give respect for each father.

Secure attachment between children and fathers can be also the reason for children to love and respect fathers. It leads to a healthy social, emotional, cognitive, and motivational development. Children also gain strong problem-solving skills when they have a positive relationship with their fathers. All things considered the positive relation between Ethiopian fathers and children can be taken as a role model for others, Tekalegn agreed.

The Ethiopian herald June 13,2020


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