FM Pledge to jointly fight COVID-19

ADDIS ABABA – Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia Gedu Andargachew has received and discussed with European Union, and Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia, briefed about the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

Gedu Andargachew, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia and Kang Kyung-wha, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea exchanged a phone call to discuss COVID-19 prevention and containment measures, and the role of Korean Investors in Ethiopia.

During the discussion, Mr. Gedu congratulated the people and government of the Republic of Korea for successfully containing the spread of COVID-19 and expressed condolences over the loss of lives due to the pandemic.

The minister further thanked the government of the Republic of Korea and Korean Private Sector and Civil Society Organizations in assisting Ethiopians fight against Coronavirus pandemic and expressed his hope that the Korean government will favorably consider Ethiopia’s request for debt relief.

Noting this year marks the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War, Ms. Kang Kyung-wha reiterated that the Republic of South Korea thankfully remembers the immeasurable contribution of the Ethiopian defense force in building peace in her country.

Noting the global-level danger that the COVID-19 pandemic poses on the lives of people, the Korean Foreign Affairs Minister underscored the importance of cooperation among nations. She also vowed to encourage investors from her country to get more involved in the Ethiopian economic activities.

Ethiopian Foreign, Minister Gedu also hold discussion with the European Union Ambassador to Ethiopia, Ambassador Johan Borgstam, Gedu expressed his satisfaction over fraternal and strategic relationship that exists between his country and the European Union.

In their discussions about the current situations of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, Gedu noted with appreciation the new role that the EU has taken as an observer in the trilateral negotiation. Ambassador Johan Borgstam for his part expressed his strong belief that Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt would solve outstanding issues over the dam through negotiation.

The two have also underscored that the lively cooperation and understanding between the European Union and Ethiopia in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic should further be strengthened. Foreign Minister Gedu also discussed with Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia, Sami Jamil Abdullah.

Discussions focused on situations regarding Ethiopian citizens in Saudi Arabia, ways to further strengthen bilateral relations and the current status the GERD tripartite talks.

Commending the historical and friendly relationship between the two countries, Mr.Gedu thanked Saudi Arabia for hosting a number of Ethiopian migrants. The minister said he understands the challenge Saudi Arabia is facing due to migrants, especially in the midest of the COVID-19 pandemic, and he assured the ambassador that Ethiopia is ready to work closely with Saudi Arabia on the matter.

The minister also briefed the ambassador about the ongoing tripartite talks regarding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Ambassador Sami Jamil Abdullah thanked Mr. Gedu for understanding the pressures irregular migrants are creating in Saudi Arabia.

He expressed hope that the tripartite would solve outstanding issues through dialogue and vowed that his country would cooperate with Ethiopia in the fight against the COVID-19 scourge.

The Ethiopian herald June 13,2020


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