The past may not be smooth, the future is bright for GERD

All projects are not always successful. Political or sometimes corruption and other related reasons can be the hurdles for their successful accomplishment. By their very nature some projects become victims of irresponsible or rent-seeking individuals and institutions.

The GERD is one of these projects that had been exposed to individuals who do not care to entertain a national pride and who are always ready to suck the blood of the impoverished. GERD was started in 2013 G.C. The project is not only a Mega project. It is also a regional agenda that is expected to solidify riparian countries.

Starting from its launching, the project has seen three prime ministers – the launcher the late Meles then, his successor Halemariam Dessalegn and now Dr. Abiy Ahmed. Various facts showcase, though some parts of the project were going smoothly, it had fallen prey to corruption. Because of immoral and illegal acts of individuals and institution (METEC), the project finance had been abused. Until the coming of Dr. Abiy, all the corruption issues related to the dam were hidden from the public. However, within short time, information related to the project started to leak out. With all its challenges, the GERD has made some strides.

This is specially true for the civil part. However, the electro-mechanical part is still in question. GERD is expected to be one of the living bill board of Ethiopian Nation Nationalities and Peoples’ commitment towards unity. Despite the fact that the project finance was abused by self-seeking individuals, the commitment and willingness of Ethiopians to build GERD is still unreserved. The passion to financially back up the project is still fresh.

Once a priest was heard saying “If there is any Ethiopian who does not want to contribute for the actualization of the dam it is only the deceased ones and unborn babies. As it is already made clear by various media the civil part of the dam is moving smoothly. An initiation to rekindle the morale of the public is already started. In this respect, Project Coordination Office is handling its assignment.

The recent discussion, among civil servants, governmental and nongovernmental organizations and other sects of the society is a good manifestation in this regard. According to the Project Coordination Office, starting from its launching, about 12.3 billion Birr is collected from the public. Out of this, the diaspora community has contributed more than 49 million dollar. During the discussion some participants have said that the absence of a transparent system has dampened their effort to contribute for the dam.

In response to this, the office has indicated that, the future is bright. Using transparent means, the public will be made aware of what their contribution has made. As it was mentioned by the Prime Minister Abiy, constructing the dam is a life and death issue to all Ethiopians. Failure to see the realization of the dam within specific time has coerced the country to spend more. He also mentioned that serious monitoring activities are being carried out on the project. Two of the turbines will start operation within two years. According to the Premier, the government is committed to the successful accomplishment of the project.

In his speech to Members of the Parliament, the Prime Minster has given instruction for members to give more attention for the successful accomplishment of the project. By the time the nation finalizes the GERD dam, it will boost its moral and economic supremacy. Various members of the society were asked by EPA’s journalists about the public concern for the project. Mame Lemma, is a civil servant. he has contributed for the project not less than three times. According to her, despite the fact that some irresponsible individuals have abused the money, nothing will deter her and friends from showing same commitment in the future.

According to her, besides asking for financial support the government has to be transparent in all its activities such as by allocating money for the project. As to her, there should be reports on timely basis. Dr. Ujulu Ukok, is Gambela University president. According to him, GERD is an Ethiopian project. It is a national program financed by Ethiopians themselves. This project needs closer monitoring. If there is a proper controlling and monitoring mechanism, the project will give the expected service within a short period of time. Seeing the mammoth significance of the Dam for national economy, the public has to show same effort, he noted.

He further said that, the public had been contributing for the project and there should be transparency of assuring them how the money they contributed is used. He said, civil servants had contributed some deducting from their salary but most of them have not yet received the Bond money they are expecting. As to Project Coordination Office Public Relation head, Hailu Abrham, the office is working committed to rekindle the public interest. According to him, the immoral and illegal acts of individuals had paralyzed the public.

There are even some individuals who doubt if the dam really existed. Abrham said that the GERD dam has multidimensional meaning to Ethiopians. Besides its economic contribution, the dam has also a significant meaning in unifying Ethiopians. Next to Adawa (African pride) it is going to be a manifestation of Ethiopinasim. It is going to be a good indication that Ethiopians are always one.

The Ethiopian Herald, February 10/2019


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