Amhara, Benishangul-Gumuz states strengthen cooperation

ADDIS ABABA – Amhara and Benishangul-Gumuz states are working closely to strengthen coordination between the two states towards ensuring rule of law and making the borderlines an area of development corridor.

During a consultative workshop on peace and ensuring rule of law held in Bahir Dar, capital of the Amhara State, President Temesgen Tiruneh said that the recent conflict in Metekel caused the loss of lives, displacement, and property damages. The two states are actively working to identify the causes and participants of the conflict, he said.

The command post comprised of the two states that include higher officials of the states is immensely helping to ensure rule of law by exposing wrongdoings together, according to him.

“It is important to work in coordination to rehabilitate the displaced individuals and making the area an economic cooperation corridor. Rehabilitating the displaced and ensuring investors’ security working in the area needs the active engagement of all stakeholders,” he stressed.

Recently, out of 49,000 citizens displaced from the Benishangul-Gumuz State, some14,650 Amharas returned to their former dwelling. 1,575 citizens who also displaced from Jawi in Amhara State also returned home.

For his part, Benishangul-Gumuz State President Ashadli Hassen said that the assistance of Amhara state is vital in ensuring the area’s peace and development.

“The ongoing mutual coordination and discussion among the states should be strengthened and sustained to solve problems”. Currently, it is impossible to hold wide discussions among the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic but the states are committed to nurturing peace in the area through higher officials’ successive dialogues, he said.

The Ethiopian herald June 11,2020


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