Ministry keen in policy revision, preparing road-map

ADDIS ABABA—Policy revision and roadmap, which could give direction and address challenges facing the mines sector for the coming, 25 years is being prepared by the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum.

Policy and legal frameworks are under improvement and revision to enhance and exploit the sector, Mines Sector Capacity Building Deputy Director, YaredFekade told The Ethiopian Herald. ‘‘The mining sector has been facing several challenges.

Among the challenges are found lackof feasible policy and roadmap that could identify the challenges and pinpoint their solutions. Now, draft policy is almost finalized to be submitted the concerned bodies for further discussion and consultation. Then it will be implemented after it got approved by the parliament.

We hope the improved policy and roadmap will take the mining sector to higher level,’’ he noted. He added that the 1976 Ethiopian petroleum operations proclamation will be revised since it is not feasible with the current mining endeavors. Besides, the policy revision and road map implementation would lure more investment and market opportunities, Yared reaffirmed.

The Deputy Director pointed out the roadmap that comprises strategy that is vital for the productivity and modernization of the mining and petroleum sector would be outlined. ‘‘Master content master plan necessary for preparing the roadmap will be resumed in the coming six months and it will be functional in 2012 E.C fiscal year. Universities, companies, states and other experts would participate in the process,’’ he insisted.

The Ethiopian Herald, February 10/2019


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