TPLF experiencing fractures

Zadig Abraha, State Minster, coordinator of Democratization Center submitted his resignation of his own accord decrying the spoke the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) puts in the fast tracking wheel of reform as well as the range of illtreatments being perpetrated on the people of Raya every so often.

In a five page resignation letter he submitted to TPLF special zone office, he noted “I was under suspicious eyes over and over again. When the former Prime Minister Haile Mariam Desalegne was serving as the Head of Media and Delivery Minster, amongst TPLF authorities, only finger counted people were standing by my side.

I was in a frequent friction in this regard. He said there is no gainsaying the fact that political prisoners had been released following the decision of the Ethiopian Prime Minster Dr. Abiy Ahmed. “However, when I wrote a reportage on the Website of the office of the Prime Minster using the word ‘political’ I faced intimidation and warning from Front’s members almost immediately.”

Zadig Abraha also stated the disappointment and remorse of TPLF leaders following the release of political prisoners in addition to expressing the unwillingness of TPLF leaders to align themselves with the ongoing reform. He stressed that though, without a shadow of a doubt, the reform helps the people of Ethiopia and the people of Tigray, TPLF is not able to stand by the side of the ongoing reform on grounds of its narrow minded anti reform attitude. It is dragging its feet.

For the benefit of few rent seeking TPLF authorities, TPLF is plunging headfirst in destructive activities. As per Zadig one of the reasons for his resignation is the reluctance of TPLF to be part of the historic reform taking place in every nook and cranny of the country and its destructive activities against the ongoing reform.

The people of Raya have been expressing their disappointment considering the demarcation of boundary which took place during the reign of the unreformed EPRDF without their will. As a result they have been constantly facing illtreatments. As a matter of fact, in the past, getting themselves involved in denouncing the grotesque reality on the ground, without getting themselves organized, had exposed them to a range of assaults from time to time.

He continued: “As my conscience does not allow me to work with the anti-reform and anti-democracy Front, I have made up my mind to submit a letter of resignation of my own accord.” “But in the near future, apart from partaking in the wind of reform wafting all over the country, I would like to work hand-in-glove with any party which truly fights for democracy and inspires other to follow suit,” he wrapped up. According to the interview Getachew Reda executive committee Member of TPLF gave to Awramba Times, the action of individuals does not affect the party.

The Ethiopian Herald, February 10/2019


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