Ethiopia slams attempt to link Ethio-Sudan Border incident to GERD

ADDIS ABABA — Some actors are making futile attempts to link the recent confrontation along the Ethiopia and Sudanese border to the agenda of the Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam (GERD), according to Head of Ethiopian Prime Minister’s Office Press Secretariat.

Since Ethiopia started construction of GERD with the consent and expense of its own people it is not due to seek permission from any party for the filling, the Head Nigussu Tilahun told Al Ain Media.

Sudan and Ethiopia share a long history of economic, political, cultural ties. They also share a long boundary without specific boundary demarcation but faced no border dispute for 126 years.

He said that there is no reason for the two countries to descend into hostility and the recent conflict is not different from the previous conflict among the two nations. What makes the recent conflict unique is that the news circulated by different media target to soar the relation of the two countries.

Since the 19th century history has shown us that Ethiopia is well known by sustaining peace and order abroad in different countries, like Congo and Korea than invading other. Ethiopia is also capable of protecting its national interest should any actor comes against it. Ethiopia focused on peace and security more than any other issue.

Avoiding any further tension and the two countries should work together through harmony and cooperative ways.

Such incidents are best addressed through diplomatic discussion based on the cordial and friendly relation and peaceful coexistence between the two countries. The incident does not represent the strong ties between the peoples of the two countries.

Different Egyptian media are misinforming the brotherhood of both Egyptian and Sudanese people and also the Arab and middle countries concerning the GERD for their own ill objectives which is out of Medias rule and characters. This kind of misinformation report will erode the relation of the people, he indicted.

GERD is our common project and wealth, is not only for Ethiopia. The project is 20 km far from Sudan which is nearest to Sudan. Equivalent to the Ethiopian the people of Sudan is eager for the completion for the project since it benefits both Sudan and Ethiopia. However, he said it is working in the interest of the people and governments of the country to resolve the conflict.

We have to solve border issue together in a way that binds the country’s longterm relationship and common interests peacefully based on mutual benefit and building the project together as well. We never quarrel each other both on border issue and GERD understanding each other by considering the benefit of all. The two countries discussed based on mutual interest.

Concerning the filling and operation of dam Ethiopia will remain on common benefit following international principle. The country is always open for negotiation. In response to filling dam Ethiopia started the project by trusting their people without need of help from the second person.

In response to Sudan’s request for the first fill of the dam to respond, “Ethiopia is building the dam by trusting its people. We are building the dam not to see it like a monument or as a museum, we are building the dam to generate energy form it. Over half of Ethiopian people are living off light”. Ethiopia will never think of hurting others, he said.

If the Sudanese reject the filling process they are against their own interest not only against the interest of Ethiopian people. The Sudanese definitely knows how the project will benefit them.

The Ethiopian herald June 6,2020


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