New electronic procurement system hoped to assist public sector efficiency

ADDIS ABABA – The recently launched Electronic Government Procurement System is likely to assist efforts of ensuring good governance and efficiency in public sectors, according to Federal Public Procurement and Property Disposal Agency (FPPPA).

The agency launched the Electronic Government Procurement System (E-GP) Implementation Strategy by cooperating with the Ministry of Innovation and Technology. Federal Public Procurement and Property Administration Agency (FPPPA) Public Relations Director Setegn Gelan told The Ethiopian Herald that the official launch of this modern procurement system saves a time for the users and also it has its own contributions in promotion of good governance and efficiency in public sectors.

Setegn added that the system will enable the utilization of the large sum of public money spent on procurement in a manner that ensures value for money. Therefore, there is a continuous need to review new technologies and adopt those systems which would be beneficial within the national context of the Government of Ethiopia.

The introduction of the e-procurement will be a new initiative in Public procurement in the country. This new approach to conducting procurement will not only have a significant impact across the whole procurement system, but will impact on how the Federal Public Procurement and Property Administration Agency performs its regulatory role.

In addition, the introduction of e-procurement will be done under a carefully developed strategy which takes in to account Ethiopia’s readiness for e-procurement and the capacity of both the public and private sector. The development and implementation of an e-procurement system will be carefully planned based on the Government defined, functional and business requirement.

Melkamu Defali Public Relation Service Officer at the Ethiopian Public Procurement And Property Disposal told the Ethiopian Herald that enabling the timely supply of goods and services which are commonly used by the public or other governmental institutions have its own positive side regarding the elimination of bad practice that faces during the purchasing time.

Melkamu further stated that when the procurement activity is done timely, it has positive contributions for the governments in securing the governments benefit. In addition to this, it makes a trust between the public and the procurement agency.

This system will substantially improve efficiency and cost effectiveness of the government procurement. The system is also important to maximize the values and benefits of the public as well as the government and it will ensure better transparency, fairness and impartiality in the agency, Melkamu stated.

The Ethiopian Herald, December 1/2018

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