Ethiopia on right track to eradicate HIV/ AIDS: Office

ADDIS ABABA- The Federal HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control office announced that the country is on the right track toward eradicating the prevalence of HIV/AIDS and controlling deaths caused by the virus at national level.

Office Public Relation and Communication Director Daniel Betre told The Ethiopian Herald that government’s activity underway to control the spread of HIV /AIDS is exemplary. According to the director, the office set goals to enable 90 percent of HIV positive people to know their status and obtained sustainable antiretroviral therapy.

Also, plan was set to 90 percent of HIV positive people would have viral suppression. One of the global mechanisms to create public awareness on the prevalence of AIDS is celebrating International AIDS day, said Daniel, adding that Ethiopia marks today the 31st World AIDS Day at Dukem town of Oromia State under the theme ‘Know Your Status’.

As to him, currently over 610,000 HIV positive people living in Ethiopia whilst over 15,000 are infected by the virus annually. Economic and biological issues mentioned as the primary causes for the increasing number of patients; HIV in Ethiopia is more prevalent in men than women. Noting the 0.9 percent HIV/ AIDS prevalence rate in Ethiopia, the director said that the number significantly varies from states and between men and women.

“Despite the progress Ethiopia has been witnessed in reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS, the insufficient attention in recent years caused the relapse of the problem.” Regarding international support for the control of HIV/AIDS, Daniel indicated that the office allotted 92 percent of the fund secured from global sources to the purchase of antiHIV medicines and the rest meant to other prevention activities. The budget allocation implies the fall in virus control activities.

He said that priority is given to prevention activities in this year anti-HIV/AIDS campaign and the office is engaged in identifying the most vulnerable groups of the society including prostitutes, contract employees, long distance drivers, divorced people, prisoners and HIV positive people in the campaign. Also, the office is partnering with relevant stakeholders including societies, religious institutions, youth and media to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS. The director called on the public officials to play their role in supporting the office’s efforts to bringing attitudinal change among the youth.

The Ethiopian Herald, December 1/2018

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