What we see vs what we get!

There was this story someone was telling me a few months back. This guy, who apart from his ‘official’ children, had three more children from three other women. The question wasn’t how he managed to keep all afloat, being a man of not that many means. It was rather how he managed to keep the secret and maintain his ‘responsible family man’ status intact; until, of course, he passed away! A few days alter the lawyer of the ‘official family’ was just starting to ready the paperwork for the inheritance stuff; that was when the big bang happened. The deceased fellow seems to have never left anything for a rainy day! The family, so they say, was shaken to the bones. More drama was yet to come.

Unaware of all wasn’t well on this front, the three mothers of the ‘secret children’ demanded their share of the cake that never was. It took some time to convince them their backdoor Casanova left only a plotline for a possible novel and nothing more. One nice thing about the almost nil bankbooks was that the ‘war of the mothers’ was avoided. The guy never gave the slightest hint of jumping over any the fence. I mean to have three out of marriage children from three women demands Sergei Bubka jumping, skills, don’t you think so! Taking people for what they appear to be has become real difficult. That must be why trust these days is at an all-time low.

If you think such ‘secret children’ talk was ‘short story of the month’ stuff, well you’ve some homework to do. It happens with uncomfortable frequency. The problem is these days taking others for what they claim themselves to be it is not a nice experience.

By the time you find out you’ve been sold down the river you probably have elevated them to the seven skies! Bringing them down again is a completely different story.

A guy passes away. That wonderful family man who deserves all the stars his shoulders could hold. His wife and three children enjoyed a smooth ride in life thanks to him. At least that is what people think; ‘The perfect family;’ they say. Even if storms brewed behind closed doors no one could tell. So his passing proves to be a moment of grief for quite a number of people. For a couple of weeks life comes to standstill as the family digests the new reality. But when the inheritance chapter of the story begins so do the plot twists.

One nice day a woman with a couple kids in tow makes the house call. Not a familiar face she is taken as a workplace colleague who got the sad news late. She wasn’t. It so happens that the two teenagers were the illegitimate children of that great family man! Sorry, what was that?

“These two kids are his children.” The roof practically caves in for the family.

Look speaking of taking people for what they present themselves to be it is the same with the politicians around here. What you see is seldom, if not never, what you get. There is so much ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ stuff in that world sometimes you take it as a never-ending farce. You hear a guy you know has joined the leadership of one or another group. (Sorry, how many of them were there at the last count? I mean minus those who got the boot.) And he was the kind of guy who warns you to stay away from live wire and politics! “You mean he has entered into politics!” Yes, he did just that. After the initial surprise you’ll have some nice words. “I know that guy; he probably entered politics to change things; and unlike many, he has brains enough to do that.”

A few months pass and one fine day you run into him. “How have you been?” “Fine; and you?” “Fine; I see you on TV now and then. You seem to be very busy out there. So how are things on the political front? I mean what are you people planning?” “I don’t know.” Hey! What is that supposed to mean! Has he forfeited those brains of his! “What do you mean you don’t know?” “I’m no longer with them. I have joined another party.”

Now, wait a minute! As a member of the so-called politburo, and having made twenty something TV appearances how can he, of all people jump fence! “Oh! You mean…” “I mean I’m no more with them.” “That’s some news. So which group did you join?” He tells you. “Sorry, but don’t those people say they believe in the exact opposite of what you guys stood for?” “Yes, I support their vision.”

Vision my ……! All of a sudden what you’ve been seeing for years isn’t what you get!

Maybe the guy experienced some revelation! “Better join the others. These ones wouldn’t cross a dying stream let alone a gushing river.” And all this time you’ve been applauding the guy, “That’s one guy who knows what he’s talking about.” He was the standard bearer of his previous group! It’s like he has experienced some political baptism.

“You know, my new party is one which looks generations ahead and not only the immediate future. Our program is the best.” Did he just say… ‘Program!’ Sorry, I never knew any of you guys have real programs! “I’d like to know more about it. Can you spare a copy?” “Oh, I’m afraid I can’t.” “Sorry; did I ask you for classified material?”

“No, it is not that. We’ve yet to publish our program.” Oh God, why can’t you make me a little dumber so I can understand what this guy is talking about! I mean isn’t too nice to be true that a group has been around for ten-plus years doesn’t have its ‘program’ in print!

It is painful; and in a big way, too. But it is that old adage “No pain, no gain.” Still things that aren’t supposed to be painful shouldn’t be. I mean, those guys treating us like we have the lowest IQ possible are too much. But one bitter truth is that we’ve learned our lesson: what we see, is seldom what we get! Case closed.

The Ethiopian Herald May 29, 2020

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