State commences tasting COVID-19

ADDIS ABABA -Gambela Regional State announced that it has commenced examining COVID-19 cases at a capacity of testing 180 samples a day.

The region’s Chief Administrator, Oumode Oujulu said that since the cases confirmed in the country, various activities have been undertaken to prevent and control the virus spread.

The state government is working to prevent the virus spread he said adding that the people undergo diagnosis and get tested avoiding fear and pessimism.

The region Health Bureau Head on his part said that deliberating with Ethiopian Public Health Institute, uploading new software the machine which was used to taste HIV cases is now being served for testing COVID-19.

Commencing COVID-19 test in the region save time, cost and facilitate testing service the suspects that found in the region’s various quarantine centers according to the region’s Press Secretariat Office .

The government is dealing with none government organization to deliver service for the refugee and infiltrates to the state and curb possible risk since the state is a pass way gate and exit of the country. 

The Ethiopian Herald May 28, 2020


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