State aspires to meet Ethiopia’s demand for wheat

ADDIS ABABA- Oromia Regional State announced that it is working to produce wheat in the region to save a staggering amount of foreign currency financed to import it.

Launching cluster farming program in Etosa Woreda of Arsi Zone in the presence of federal and state senior officials, Daba Debele, State’s Agriculture and Natural Resource Head said that efforts are underway to produce import substitute wheat in the region.

Indicating that wheat is being harvested in clusters in Bale, Arsi, Shewa, and Horo Gudru, he said that the state has devised and implemented new techniques and motivation. Leaving the prior model farmer reinforcement, the state now envisaged delivering selected seed, loan, fertilizers, and other inputs for organized farmers in cluster.

This year the state is vigorously working to avert possible shortages of food resulting from the impact of COVID-19. Hence, delivering inputs and using all capacities at disposal and effectively utilizing irrigation schemes, the state has set to harvest 13, million Quintals wheat, he said.

He further said that Ethiopia’s demand for wheat is about 20 million quintals. Thus, it is set to harvest more than 20 million quintals in the second phase of irrigation development.

Abebe Diriba, Agriculture Transformation Agency Director on his part said that the implementation of cluster farming will have a key role in substituting wheat imported from oversea markets.

Cluster farming is an integral part of agriculture mechanization. It is a key component to increase product and productivity, utilize similar technology, widen Knowledge transfer and ease delivering supports, he added.

Derese Tilahun , resident of Arsi Zone Etosa Woreda Guchi Habi Kbele said that this year, he is determined to produce more yield using updated technology. He also said that after farmers engage in mechanized agriculture they began to reap 40 to 50 quintal which is about twofold compared to yields harvested traditionally.  

The Ethiopian Herald May 28, 2020


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