Enterprise collects over 131 mln Birr

ADDIS ABABA- Ethiopian Toll Roads Enterprise (ETRE) collected 131.25 million Birr over the past six months from light vehicles and trucks in their daily travels to and from Addis Ababa and Adama.

ETRE Public Relation Senior Officer Robel Ayalew told The Ethiopian Herald that the enterprise has raised the revenues from toll services such as crane service 124.578 million Birr and from advertisement and rent 6.679 million Birr. When compared, the performance is 93 percent of the plan.

The expressway has six toll stations and nineteen entries as well as twenty nine exits which are fitted with state-of-the-art technology that speeds up the service delivery, he reiterated.

He also mentioned that since the beginning of its operation, five countries: Zambia, Korea, Sudan, Togo and China have shared experiences from the ETRE. The expressway is 78 kilometers and on average 24,000 vehicles use Enterprise collects over 131 mln Birr the road daily paying 35 to 70 Birr per trip. It has created permanent job opportunity for 506 citizens from which 95 percent are youth.

Herald February 8/2019


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