New metrological system introduced in Awash basin

ADDIS ABABA- A new Disaster Risk Reduction through the installation of Meteorological Observation and Early Warning System that intends to curb meteorological damages in the Awash River Basin was completed, according to Basin Development Authority.

At a ceremony in connection with the completion of the system, Authority Deputy Director Getachew Gizaw stated that the project would play crucial role in enhancing hydrometeorological services. Getachew said that since the Awash River was among the flood hot spot river basin in the country, this flood early warning system is timely and relevant.

In addition, the project gives trainings to strengthen the capacity of National Meteorology Agency of Ethiopian experts and officials. The deputy director noted that as Ethiopian economy is highly dependent on natural resources; climate variability is a threat to the national annual production, supply of water and energy.

Ethiopia is also facing frequent drought and flood disaster which demands urgent and proper strategy, he added. Climate Resilience Green Economy strategy and the installations of the new hydro-meteorological services are key instruments for addressing effective implementation of climate change issues, Getachew explained. He also stated that the project has achieved 20 additional automatic weather stations, five extra automatic water level gauge, flood early warning model and capacity building trainings.

Enhancing the early warning system in Ethiopia will play the greatest role to save the society’s wealth from environmental and other negative impacts, Getachew stressed. In this regard, Hwang Myong Kyun, Director General of Korea Meteorological Institute said that the project is significant to reduce meteorological damages caused by disasters.

He added that the project has installed 10 automatic weather systems, 10 automatic rain gauge systems and five water level gauges in Addis Ababa and Awash Basin. Myong stated the project has been implemented for the past four years to establish automatic meteorological observations and early warning system with international standards. The new system was implemented in the collaboration of National Metrological Agency and Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), it was learnt.

The Ethiopian Herald, December 1/2018

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