Distance celebrations, helping others: Sidama’s New Year Fiche Chambalalla

Last Tuesday Sidama people of Ethiopia had observed the Fichee-Cambalaalla, an event that heralds the ensuing of their New Year. This time the day was observed stripped of the annual colourful mass celebrations due to the dark cloud the pandemic COVID-19 casted all over the globe.

In the culture of Sidama nation, nationalities, which anonymously voted last summer for statehood separating them from the several nations within the Southern Ethiopian Nations, Nationalities and People’s State, the celebration usually goes with cultural festivals ‘Ayyidde Chambalaalla’

In the messages Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) conveyed to the Sidama nation and the Ethiopian people in connection with the event he said that the celebration is a living billboard to the fact that Ethiopia is multicultural and graceful. The Ethiopian celebrations, such as Fiche Chambalalla are imbued with hope, eager for something new, point to the newyear with hope and anticipation.

The Fiche Chembalalla Festival symbolizes our ancient relationship to astronomy. The elders determine the day of the festival by observing the order of the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars and studying the composition of these bodies, he added.

Thanks to the transition from the old year to the new one, the coming year is a beacon light. It is one for the creator to bring us peace, love and prosperity. They will throw down nettle the truth that the Creator has bestowed upon us.

The advice of the elders is based on seven essential principles. To help the people to work hard, to honour and help the elderly, to cut down native trees, He advises people to abstain from untoward activities, to abstain from petitions, from theft and falsehood. The festival teaches the essence of being part of a community. It requires good governance. It promotes social co-operation. It promotes co-existence and co-operation with others, PM Abiy further stated.

“In Chambalalla, Children are told the stories of their mothers and the culture of the people. They inherit the oral tradition. You will be invited to participate in the festival activities and get to know them. The existing knowledge is passed from parent to child through the narrative of elders. This is a wonderful asset that we should always implement in our home.”

PM Abiy also said that during this Corona virus pandemic, which is threatening the world and our country, we beseech the Creator to lead us into the path of prosperity in the New Year.

 Due to the Corona virus, it has not been possible to celebrate the occasion like in the past, where throngs of people are not possible. Understanding the condition of the world, Sidama leaders are showing responsibility for their country and their people, with the timely message that ‘the celebration is to be marked at home.’

“I would like to express my appreciation for the fact that life is more important than anything else,” the PM added.

In the celebration of the Sidama’s cultural fathers and elders, we will all celebrate at home with the rainbow trout ceremony in our homes, washing our hands, keeping our distance, and helping others. May the Creator help us to celebrate this day with the whole Sidama in public, as it has been before, in the light of the creator’s goodwill, he concluded.

Ristu Yirdaw, Southern Nations, Nationaliteis and Peoples State Vice-President congratulates the Sidama Nation on New Year’s eve for his part stated that it is certainly a treasure to our nation and to the people of the world, beyond the fact that the Sidama Nation’s New Year’s celebration has long been a symbol of our identity.

The festival is recognized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as an unparalleled legacy of humanity, and the festival has been celebrated with great celebration every year.

Regarding the holiday, the importance of  promoting tourism to visitors has also great importance to our country.

Its importance to introducing our country to other world is significant and I have great gratitude and respect for the Sidama Fathers and Mothers who have kept such colourful celebrations to pass it from generation to generation, which is an expression of our great values.

I would also like to point out that the role of youth and other stakeholders in the pursuit of this colourful festival is also significant. Since we are a hallmark of unity and tolerance, we need these values more than anything at this time.

Although we cannot publicly celebrate the festival due to the Corona virus, we all must be careful to endure the trials we face and save the lives of ourselves and our loved ones, he added. “Because the spread of the virus is increasing, it is important to expect every citizen to take precautions.”

The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition 24/2020


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