Five oldest Islamic shrines in Ethiopia

 It is nearly over 1,500 years since Islam was introduced to Ethiopia. Ethiopia is home to different tangible and intangible heritages. As the country is one of the few countries where ancient civilizations developed and diverse religions were practiced during the same period.

To this end, there are so many Islamic mosque, manuscripts and archival sites across the country from the ancient period. From among this Al-Najashi mosque, found in northern part of Ethiopia of Mekelle town, North Shewa Goze, Shonke, Toleha, Harar, and others, according to Anwar Mohammad, Islamic Heritages and History Conservation Expert with Islamic Affairs Supreme Council.

1.Negash/ Al Nejashi Mosque

Negash or Al-Nejashi Mosque is one of the oldest Mosques in Ethiopia. It is believed that Negash, Ethiopia’s first Islamic settlement was established in the 7th century AD by Muslim refugees who escaped persecution in Mecca, including close relatives of Prophet Mohammed, during his lifetime. The tombs of 15 of the original settlers are protected in a new mosque. Al-Nejashi is considered by many as one of the most sacred places of Islamic worship and rightly dubbed by some as “The 2nd Mecca”.

2. Jugol/Harrar

The old walled city of Harar in eastern Ethiopia is a colorful maze that begs exploration. There are so many mosque found in the city constructed in the 16th century. The city is also covered by wall called “Jugol” which is built in the 16th century as a defensive response to the neighboring Christian Ethiopian Empire, at the time.

Harar is a city that goes by many names, from the city of saints to a living museum, while some Ethiopians consider it to be Islam’s fourth holiest city after Mecca, Jerusalem and Medina.

It has even been called the city of peace. Thousands of people from across the country, as well as international tourists, have gathered there for the celebrations as Harar Jugol the official name of the ancient walled city constructed before thousands of years.

It is believed that Harar grew into a crossroads for commerce between Africa, India and the Middle East and was a gateway for the spread of Islam into the Horn of Africa. With its 110 mosques and 102 shrines, Harar is often referred to as the fourth-holiest city in Islam and known in Arabic as Madeenat-ul-Awliya (the City of Saints). Before the holy month of Ramadan, locals repaint the walls of the old town in vibrant colors. As the sun sets, the streets of Harar come to life as locals break their fast, meet neighbors to pray together and practice other ceremonies.

3.Shonke Mosque

Shonke Mosque which is aged over 900 years is found. Shonke is a village located some 23 km away from Kemise town, of Amhara region. The village is a 900-year-old settlement on the top of a mountain. About 20 generations have lived in the village.

4.Goze Mosque

There is also another old aged mosque found in part of Ethiopia Ahmara region of Shewa, which is called Goze Mosque. The mosque is dated about 1000 years. Goze is often claimed as one of the original Argobas homeland at the time. Today Goze and its surrounding are full of old ruined buildings. This gives the Argoba a sense of the first indigenous Muslim people to settle in the place.

5. Toleha Mosque

Toleha is also another mosque found in Amhara region. The mosque is dated over 900 years. To sum up Muslim and Ethiopia have relation of millennia.

The Ethiopian Herald May 23/2020


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