Matchless compliance, kindness


 The Muslim community has displayed a maximum discipline and patience during this month of Ramadan. As the dreadful pandemic tightens its grip on the country, the government has taken action to make people stay at home and contribute to halting the spread of the virus.

For more than 14 centuries, Muslims have celebrated an enjoyable month of fasting, prayer and spiritual rejuvenation during the month of Ramadan. It is one of the happiest moments where people share love, respect and good wishes. It is a time to spend time with family, friends and loved ones. More than anything else, it is an opportunity during which people manifest their reverence to the almighty. Due to its valuable significance in the life of the followers, the month is highly missed by all. Hence Such a big and highly missed month is really a time that should never be missed whatever happens.

But, COVID-19 suddenly befell on the world posing a clear and imminent threat on the well-being of an entire human being. It became a threat to the people as its main means of spread is through contacts and droplets from mouth making gathering in one place and in a mass so dangerous. The celebration of the Eid is also one such moment that gathered many people at a time at one place. So missing such an age-old religious gathering becomes tough.

Indeed, it is very challenging to conform to any rule that comes against such age-old practice. Yet, the followers have effectively passed the ordeal paying a huge sacrifice for the good of the entire community and the world.

The obedience and sacrifice exhibited during the month is an exemplary performance that has a far reaching implication in the lives of the people. At a time when the country is surrounded by many problems, we need similar commitment to address them. They need only our willingness and honest collaboration. They have shown that something which seems difficult is actually easy and possible if there is will and commitment.

If people obey to escape a big problem like the one we have faced, what else could remain beyond their ability to solve? For instance, the issue of constitutional interpretation has become the latest one in the political discourse of the nation. Political parties are exchanging rhetoric over whether to go to interpretation or not. Whether the constitution needed interpretation or not, one thing is clear. It is easy to discuss and reach consensus with a view to benefiting the people and the country.

Many other issues are also within the realm of the people’s ability to solve if they work with utmost honest and commitment. Hence, everyone should replicate the patience, and obedience practiced by the Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan to rectify the diverse problems and challenges and work towards prosperity.

The Ethiopian Herald May 23/2020

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