SNNP earns 33 million amid decline in tourists’ flow

ADDIS ABABA— Culture and Tourism Bureau of the Southern, Nations, Nationalities and Peoples State (SNNP) announced the state has earned close to 33 million Birr from tourism in the first half of the fiscal year, though a slight decline in revenue is witnessed as compared to same time in the last four years.

Lemma Mesele, Deputy Head of SNNP Culture, Sport and Tourism Bureau told The Ethiopian Herald that the flow of tourists has shown decline due to various reasons including security issues in some parts of the state which is now improving.

In addition, inadequate infrastructure and tourism services have also contributed to the decline. Only the well-known tourist sites such as Arba Minch, Jinika, the Tiya archaeological, Konso cultural village and its spectacular topography were mostly visited during the year so far, Lamma said.

Despite this fact, tourism remains to be among the major contributors to employment in the state. SNNP is characterized as a mosaic of people, culture, and nature and more than 56 diverse nations and nationalities are living together in harmony.

Endashaw Bekele, Tourism Attraction Development Senior Expert said the State has an untapped manmade and natural tourism potential. Considering the abundant tourism resources in the state, such as lakes and forests, the State is expected to undertake strong promotional activities besides upgrading the tourism infrastructure.

The Ethiopian Herald, February 7/2019


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