Diaspora: Right hands to realize national interest

With the concerted efforts of the government and the people the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) has reached to a good level as the government is making preparations to start the filling of water in the coming summer season and subsequently generating power partially in the months that follow.

This is a commendable progress and the success deserves to be celebrated as the people fought hard to reach this level with its own financial contribution as well as the unreserved diplomatic efforts of the government which repeatedly faced challenges from some riparian’s of the Nile especially Egypt.

It has now become clear that there is no force that stops the government and people of Ethiopia from doing their best to speed up the construction of the Dam. Yet, as they continue to do so the counter challenges from other riparian’s is also increasing. Fortunately, Ethiopian intellectuals in the diaspora have revamped their efforts to safeguard the interests of their nation. This is a meaningful complement to the ongoing effort at home.

Compatriots in the diaspora are also spearheading in the promotion of local development. This is a good endeavor to further realize GERD.

Recently Ethiopian intellectuals living in various countries have disclosed that they are working to shape the attitude of the global community towards the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. According to the report from Fana Broadcasting Corporate (FBC), the intellectuals striving to depict a clear image of their nation through giving proper information regarding issues related to the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

This is a very breathtaking endeavor by compatriots abroad since it significantly assists the local efforts in realizing overall political and economic endeavor of the public.

The major challenges to the realization of GERD is finance. To address the financial gap the government has been doing relentless efforts by coordinating the public and other institutions to assist the funding. The people and institutions also show utmost commitment to the efforts to support the completion of the dam.

With regard to the diplomatic efforts the government has almost worked strongly mainstreaming the issue through all diplomatic means as well as media.

Now the diaspora have added themselves as integral forces in the efforts of the people to timely complete the construction of GERD and help their nation reap the fruit of their long time effort to develop and utilize its resources.

Therefore , in addition to the strong efforts of the government in working along with the diaspora, other stakeholders like the media should follow suit and collaborate with the diaspora to beef up their contribution in safeguarding national interest and contributing to local development.

The Ethiopian Herald May 16/2020

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