Discussion exemplifies new political culture: Competitive parties

ADDIS ABABA-The recent political parties’ joint discussion with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) demonstrates a new way of engagement in the country’s politics, said contending political parties’ representatives.

Ethiopian Democratic Party (EDP) Member of the Executive Committee and Head of Research Wasihun Tesfaye told The Ethiopian Herald that the discussion is a new chapter that activates all political parties for a roundtable dialogue.

The debate unlocks all political parties’ potential in nation building, he added. “Open discussion among the Premier and other politicians’ are imperative for the development of new political culture in the current Ethiopian politics.” As to him, the discussions paves ways for a peaceful, sustainable, fact based and open communication among all political parties.

“We hope this type of joint discussion will continue and bring a tangible warranty for the upcoming [2020] national election.” He said that this discussion is a green light that assures us [competing political parties] to solve problems on a roundtable discussion adding that, it is a benchmark for the ways forward.

Taking reasonable stance in the overall national affairs by every political party is the main point to be taken from the discussion, he emphasized. Patriotic Ginbot 7 Movement for Justice, Freedom and Democracy Chairperson Prof. Brehanu Nega on his part said that the discussion program was mainly organized to discuss on the general shortcomings and solutions of building democracy, not to deal about election and competitiveness.

It is a good start to entertain and exercise further joint discussion, he added. As to him, competitive political parties showcase constructive input on the joint discussion. Further discussions are expected to be held on institutional reforms, sustaining the current reform and other different national issues, he indicated.

The Ethiopian Herald, February 6/2019


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