Singing in the Rain

‘Rainy Night in Georgia:’ One of my all time  favorite  ‘oldies’ tune.  I  don’t  know what a rainy night in Georgia feels like. But I can tell you what a rainy day in Addis feels like I love it! Yes

I am not which genes of mine are responsible; but somehow I am comfortable with cloudy skies and rainy days! Yes, that how things are. Some friends think that is why I happen to be one of the most boring guys on the block. Maybe, they have a point or two there…about my being the boring guy.

Once a lady who is practically scared of the rains asks me, “Were you born in the rain?” Well that could be interesting bit of story starter for some melancholic screenplay. I must have seen in a film or two some woman delivering with the heavy rains pounding down with vengeance; that ‘Mother India’ sort of effect.

There is this story I read in some magazine; the weatherman says the morning would be raining. It happened that not a drop came down. Finally thousands of umbrellas were forgotten in the busses and trains.

“You like a cloudy day!”

“Yes. I do. Is there anything wrong with that?”

“There is everything wrong with that. What kind of a person likes rains!”

“My kind of person.” Case closed.

For quite a lot of guys the first thing that comes  to  mind  when  it  starts  raining  is, what else, the bed! I tell you, there are more reasons that meet the eye for the so-called

‘population explosion!’

“What are you complaining about?”

“What am I complaining about! You see my t-shirt to the last strand of cloth and you ask me what I am complaining about! ”

“Well you should have had some decent cloth on your shoulders.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Exactly what it is supposed to mean?” You brought it upon yourself.” Yes, he did. The dark clouds have practically shut out any sort of light, the skies are rumbling angrily and he comes out with a see-through t-shirt!

Despite the voluntary lockdown in place, we go out now and then to run important errands. Some things we see are unfortunate; with so much rain and chill there are young ladies with nothing larger than an XL size handkerchief on their body! Not very fashionable, is it?

The rains are good for farming, the professionals tell us. Indeed, int’l institutions warning of famine of Biblical proportions, we need as much rain as it is suitable for the next harvest.

Nerves of steel; that’s what one needs. Anything less and be sure to have some panadol pills by your side. (Panadol, that popular drug with which everyone seems to have fallen in love with these days!) You’ll need them.

They try to impress you; but they have chosen the wrong game. The last time someone tried to impress you the wrong way they ended up with a bad flu! ‘Singing in the rain’ might have proven good as title

of a film. Someone should tell the young ladies they shouldn’t try ‘singing in the rain’ unless there are Hollywood cameras rolling.

Talking of the rains, of course there is this problem of making it on time to the office. Some bosses could be really tough. Speaking of bosses it would be nice to see more bosses demanding the staff’s loyalty to the jobs than to other things, like themselves! Being a boss is nice. For one thing, the paycheck is bigger! Also, the chair is more

‘comfortable.’ Brilliance comes in ensuring the ‘comfort’ is well deserved for all the right reasons!

“You are forty-five minutes late!” “Sir the rains…’

“What about the rains! Am I the reason for the rains?”

Did anybody suggest that! Edgy; that’s what

many of us are these days!

I don’t know how to sing; never even gave it a try! But I’ll tell you what; though you are not going to hear any D Minor or A Major, I’ll be singing in the rain while it lasts!

The Ethiopia Herald May 8,2020

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