‘The Curse

 Why is there so much suffering? Everyone have their own theory as to where this sly virus originated. (A cabbie I know was told by a regular well-heeled woman passenger that it was all a hoax. Wasn’t someone using that same word a few weeks back?) “The politicians are doing this,” she said. The cabbie was so upset he has terminated his contract to take her to her office and back home.

But there is this one ‘reason’ many among us seem to have taken to heart. “It’s a curse!” The catch here is that the curse is particularly upon us back here! A curse! Still another curse! There already a hundred and one hanging over our heads and now this one! Look, by some omen, ‘The Curse’ has been behind all of our problems since as far back as our imagination takes us. All those wars, all those famines, all the bloodletting…the list is long. One doesn’t have to put one’s mind on steroid to figure out other reasons. Hey; learn to live it! The no-appeal verdict is…” It is ‘the curse’ upon us unrepentant souls.” And if that is too much for you, you got some heart-stopper coming your way; once this passes there is more to come down the road. Maybe! Maybe those guys who claim to have a direct line with ‘The Heavens’ might know better. Maybe they are hiding the facts from us. Unfortunate we can’t demand for the transcripts of their phone calls across the Milky Way.

But, why us? Not that we are not a nation of angels minus wings. We probably don’t

 feature in the top half of ‘the blessed’ list… if there is such a list. Still many of claim we are just that, the blessed. That is why the Sword of Damocles is always hanging over our heads! I’m not well versed with such things, but aren’t ‘we, the blessed’ supposed to have it easier! So ironical!

This COVID 19 the problem is global. We are not in it alone. For once, billions across land and sea are in the same boat. Then, just curious, why are we being singled out! I mean speaking of sinning, we haven’t been the naughtiest of all! In many places ‘sinning’ is not behavioral slips or tumbles; it’s a way of life! How severe could the sins of our ancestors have been for us to be always roasting in Lucifer’s pan?

Look, given all the mystery surrounding the virus, many of us prefer the easy way out. Why not! Even the most brilliant minds humanity has to offer haven’t yet come any closer to solving the riddle! So blaming us weak mortals for looking for the easy way out isn’t fair. “It’s a curse upon us!” Put that into your mind and the next time the chloroquine thing is raised give it to them as it is… “It’s a curse!” And the only way out to safe land is…repent! How

 about that! Claiming that this problem is all about ‘the curse’ story is the easy way out; If you try to question “But why!” when you’re told about ‘the curse’ that is not going to win you many friends. No hard talk; No Larry King stuff; Just take it, as they say, lying down. “Don’t disturb; subject asleep.” Case closed.

I mean when all the bright minds of the world are trying to unfurl the riddle and we break the news, “Aren’t you guys listening? It is a curse!” we deserve some pat on the back. So you see, we look for the easiest way out. “It is a curse, dummies! And don’t give us that bio-weapon stuff!” thoughts!” (How I wish things were that simple!)

Incidentally a matter comes to my mind. It has now become a tradition for TV stations to air ‘special programs’ on holidays. Not that there is much of a front page material. Nice that they try to make our holiday enjoyable: So on Easter day almost all the TV stations had so-called ‘special’ programs. Were things enjoyable? Depends how you define enjoyable. One common factor was that

 much attention was given to the COVID 19 pandemic. A thumbs-up comes handy. But there were a couple of things that took foolishness to new heights. Sheep wearing face masks! Come on! There could have been less offensive ways to disseminate any messes, if there were any for that matter. Forget the ‘dialogue’ between a couple of sheep which, at best, was third rate material. But the very act of putting face masks on the animals in a country where there is an acute shortage of facemask is not about creativity! If they thought they were bringing the smiles on our faces, I’ve news for them. They have failed drastically. Many viewers were really offended by those scenes.

Look, those of us who really believe it is ‘a curse’ we are admitting we have sinned! Sinned enough for such a massive blow to land on our heads! So we have to make amends. We have to deal with all your rough edges and claim, “See! We’re no more the sinners we were! Time for the curse to end!”

No one really knows which way the wind blows in the coming weeks and months. No one is sure when the “Eureka!” moment would come. Ethiopians have been praying fervently over the past months. The clergy have been openly shedding their tears pleading with The Almighty to make this pandemic history.

We just hope that the prayers would be answered. But about it being ‘The Curse’ upon us, it is a story that we probably have to revisit.

The Ethiopian Herald May 1/2020


 From Abyssinia with love

 The bars and watering holes have been banned from selling alcoholic drinks after 6:00 P.M. Sometimes, even the most uncomfortable things could be full of promise. I mean the guy whose soft spot for alcohol creates all sorts of problems for him could use the stay-at-home situation to cut back on those things. Not only could one discard addictions, one could also save money! Isn’t that nice! Look, saving money at a time when you thought the only thing saved is the migraine giving you those sleepless nights, saving money is a blessing.

But old habits die hard. People are using backdoors to drink their nights away! The police have nabbed many red-handed; and there is this khat thing; here too many are nabbed in the act. This is not about having guts. This is not about having bullet-proof guts. It is outright stupidity! What are these people thinking about! It is a little unbecoming of people to try to rationalize stupidity;

If you think things have changed then you have a surprise coming your way; at present we, back in this corner of the world, are the ones worrying more about our brethren abroad! Has anyone in his/her right mind thought of such a scenario ever unfolding! Me in Addis worrying about them in Washington DC! That would have been an

 SNL material.

It wasn’t supposed to be like that! For ages they were worrying about us, even during marginally best of times.

“Hey are you alright over there!”

“Yes, we are. You don’t have to worry.”

“The things we read on the social media are scary.”

“I told you we are alright”

“You mean you can walk on the streets of Addis peacefully?”

‘Hey! What’s the matter with those guys over there?’

“Yes we do; I told you we’re alright.”

“Are you sure? The news on the social media says that no one can walk in Addis.”

That was then. Now it is a whole different ballgame. Now, it’s our ‘turn’ to worry. Really! Yes, really. Yes, we should have been worrying about ourselves. That the numbers aren’t shooting through the roof like they are elsewhere doesn’t mean we are out of the woods. Still, we can’t help worrying about Ethiopians far from their country. We can’t turn our backs to the nightly news; with the shocking numbers of infections and deaths indifference isn’t an option. We worry not only because of the dangers of infections but the dangers of losing their jobs. I mean most of them labor sixteen hours a day to put food on their tables and all of a sudden this pandemic hits!

“Hey…how are you guys doing over there?”

“What! You call from Addis! Are the Tele people giving you free calls?”

“No they aren’t.”

“Isn’t it expensive to call from there?”

“It is. But we are worrying about you guys over there…”

Pause; a pause that is too stretched for comfort.

“We’re fine…”

Yes, things are changing, though in ways we wouldn’t have liked.

The typical letter to the diaspora guy. “How are you doing over there? The image that fills your mind is not that of your friend; it is the almighty dollar! “You know things are not good back here. Everything is expensive. Can you send me the latest Mac laptop?” That was the case in the good old days. Things at least for now don’t seem to be so rosy. More than twenty four million

 people out of work in the US! That isn’t only too much; it is simply appalling! So we can’t help thinking about the plight of our own people out there.

“Hey how is Blen doing?”

“I think she is doing alright.”

“What do you mean you think? Aren’t you guys living together?”

“We are; but we see each other probably once every two or three weeks.”

“What kind of an explanation is that? Don’t you guys sit around for chats or something?””

“Look, I hold three jobs, she holds two. There isn’t even enough time to grab a decent meal let alone have a chat or socialize.”

That was then; and when all that hangs on the balance you can’t help having all the wild ideas anxiety pups into your occupied or unoccupied brain. “How are they going to survive if they lose all jobs? What about all those loans they took from everything from the fridges, to the cars, to the houses! While you are at it, how are you guys back there doing?

From Abyssinia with love; May God be with you! Sooner or later, this too shall pass.

The Ethiopian Herald May 1/2020

Ephrem Endale (Contributor)

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