Government taking street children under its wing

Considering the wind of change wafting across the country, over 50 thousand street children, living in every corner of the capital in a heartrending and precarious situation, are going to be showered with help in the near future through Social Trust Fund.

The Fund brought into playwith a view to making them stand on their feet and ends meet. During the unreformed regime, street children, giving up hope in life, were not given due attention. Often, it was with a dead face they were treated by most pertinent government bodies. Just then, nobody was in a position to lend ears and make an effort to improve the lives of street children weathering hardship of every brand-scorching sun, biting cold and heavy down pours.

Though street children lead a life which is above the dead and below the living, they could not get benefactors sidelined byconcerned bodies.They were losing heart. They were roving roads sometimes hunting for trouble. Pertaining to the Social Trust Fund, Mayor of Addis AbabaTakele Uma said, “Thousands of Addis Ababa’s youths will take part in the process of collecting street children from every corner of the capital.

Furthermore, artists have given their word with a view to staging a wide-array of musical concerts and pipe the earnings into the Bank account number, set for the Social Trust Fund. We as well have called on fellow citizens living in and out of Ethiopia to contribute their share for this noble cause. Furthermore, The Addis Ababa City Administration would work hand-in-glove with religious fathers, artists, media outlets, the community, the youth, among others targeting at smoothening the progress of collecting street children. ”

Herald FEBRUARY 3/2019


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