Dr. Abiy’s Gov’t is proficiently delivering its task despite irregularities popping- out here–and-there.

According to the information released by the electronic and print media outlet (and from what we, the people of Ethiopia and the world are witnessing), Dr. Abiy’s government is dynamically working towards reforming democratic institutions, such as the Defense Force, Office of the Attorney General , Commission of Electoral Board and last but not least the Federal Supreme Court and et al.

The reform program of course is conducted at the top level with the inclusiveness of contemporary open minded individuals who look into the future (visionary) to make sure that the public entirely gets its fair share as stipulated literature of the standards of human rights and principles. Despite his military background, the Premier hitherto never manifested the principle of “might is right” which he could have employed on the roller coaster groups and individuals currently toiling to unseat him causing chaos and replicate Ethiopia as another Syria and Iraq where infrastructures, buildings etc. are turned to rubbles, millions of lives spared irrespective of age, religion and many other terrifies.

In Ethiopia, the experiencesin the yesteryears after toppling the preceding regimes they enjoy killing put them under custody and perniciously mow their opposition to fulfill their ego in the direction of their self nodal compass indicates Following the fall of the Derg Regime (the military regime toppled by armed group in 1991), the power vacuum in the country was filled by handful Neanderthal guerilla fighters, the Tigrai People Liberation Front (T.P.L.F). These fighters initially went into the jungle underpinning the ideals of partitioning Tigrai from Ethiopia. However, consequent to the leverages of the West they seized power and the road got paved and held the governance readily.

These hand full fighters, true to say, held and launched the anachronistic theory of Albanian Communism in the name of Revolutionary Democracy aspired by the big brother’s (Premier Melese Zenawi’s ) intellectual capacity who internalized the science of Machiavelli and George Orwell theories.

This salient fact precisely contributed to cascading his ideals from his office to the population dwelling on to the peripheries of the country. The twenty seven year rule of Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (E.P.R.D.F) was realized with dents anderratic deterrents of growth and advancement Rather, this being the reality cadres and officials contrarily propagated that justice had been served and democracy was at full swing but what matters is the rationale they unfolded arguably is far more undeserving.

It is argumentum adhomenum that the cadres and morsel seekers, in their propaganda by and large embraced falsehood for they were deeply engraved to doctrine of Joseph Gobbles, the infamous propagandist of Nazi Hitler. With the passage of time of course, the E.P.D.R.F. Government on account of its own internal fragility the party failed to consolidate itself enabling etiquetted open minded officials Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed, Lemma Megerssa of Oromya, Ato Degu and Ato Demeke of Amhara to come out to the forefront.

Their coming systematically eclipsed the deep rooted T.P.L.F gangsters. Dr. Abiy and Demeke quintessential reformist gurus aligned to the peaceable strategy of Mahatma Gandhi and Mandela of South Africa by sidelining the top brass of E.P.R.D.F. officials without any bloodshed. – As to the T.P.L.F officials’ heinous crimes they perpetrated on fellow Ethiopians the winners of the game Dr. Abiy and cabinet could have crafted 60 minutes on Makele town followed by nefarious step to obliterate the haughty oldies. That is to say akin to raid taken by the Israeli Government to redeem its nationals in Uganda Entebbe. The step was almost peaceful.

Momentarily, Dr. Abiy is floundering day-by-day to make sure the economy, peace and stability of the country is on the right track. Today his international diplomacy is gaining momentum he is openly lauded with financial injection to cushion the empty govt. coffer already gobbled by T.P.L.F officials and their messengers. His civility of course is unfathomable.

“teeth for teeth” is not his mantra. He witnessed this in the course of road opening event held at “Omhajer” locality the road from Ethiopia to Eritrea blocked for decades. On the event present were Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed and Eritrea’s Esayas Afeworkie including some officials from both countries, not to mention the Tigray regional states Vice President Dr. Debretsion Gebre Yohans. The opening of the road indeed helps mainly the People of Tigray by and large. But it is mind boggling to witness the deliberate mobilization of Tigrean nationals tumultuously slandering our leader Dr. Abiy but it was to no avail.

“The Pot calls the Kettle Black” the mob justice implementers didn’t recognize that they are sheltering bulk of law breakers, fraudulants, nepotists, human right abusers in the center of Mekele town. Every Ethiopian citizen knows that Dr. Abiy’s hand is clean of blood and corruption and hence we are proud of him. [[[So, it is not something trivial that we leave everything to time to tell.

These anachronistic bunches of wanted T.P.L.F. officials should be extradited/delivered by the Tigrai Regional State to face justice. The State has to hand over them to the Ethiopian judiciary so that they face un-procrastinated due process of law to prove that rule of law is prevailing. In the end, the writer of this article is optimistic that the wisdom of Dr. Abiy will elevate him to the world class leadership and his meticulousness endures Ethiopia and citizenries from getting in debacle.



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