Assurance for concerns of people

In his briefing to the House of Peoples’ Representatives (HPR) yesterday, Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed has addressed a lot of burning issues of the public. Among the topics he underlined were the government’s firm stance on the country’s peace, unity and the completion of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). Ethiopian peoples highly value their unity and peace among others.

As has been the case both in the past and present, unity and peace of their country remain to be the most endeared values of Ethiopians. That is to say more than anything else. In the past Ethiopians have passed through protracted wars and conflicts that had left their country poor, backward and war ravaged. Hence not a single Ethiopian wishes those days to come back. The other important issue Ethiopians value is unity.

The present day Ethiopia is outcome of the united struggle that the people waged against enemy forces like colonialists and others encroachment. In addition the people have succeeded in every aspect of their lives because of their unity. Hence PM Abiy has really touched the heart of the people by assuring the commitment of his government for peace and unity. He said the government will never enter in to negotiation on the issue of peace and unity of the nation.

The sporadic conflicts that flare up here and there have actually bothered the people as they are always sensitive to the peace and stability of their nation. Yet none of the conflicts were able to go out of control thanks to the commitment of both the government and the people. Once people and government succeed in ensuring peace and unity the next agenda that worries them is development and prosperity. Ethiopians have few years back laid the foundation for an iconic developmental project,

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). The dam occupies a very big place in the mind and heart of each and every Ethiopian regardless of age sex, religion, race .. etc. Everyone has left a finger print o the project through different means. So very one is eager to see the project operational as soon as possible. Abiy’s explanation regarding the government’s determination for the timely and successful completion of the project is a good assurance that helps revitalize the peoples moral to actively participate in its successful completion.

As to him the issue of the dam is a matter of life and death. When we consider the value it has got in the minds of the public the PMs words are well said. Indeed the completion of the dam is a matter of life and death. On top of all the economic benefits it gives, the dam is a national asset that binds the people closer together. Therefore we can be sure that Ethiopia will step on a more solid foundation towards a stable and prosperous situation provided the government and people work hand in hand in realizing peace and unity.

Herald  FEBRUARY 2/2019


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