Addis Ababa named 2019 World Capital of Culture and Tourism destination

ADDIS ABABA – The European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) has selected Addis Ababa as world’s capital of Culture and Tourism for 2019. In connection with the entitlement of the metropolis, Addis Ababa City Government Culture and Tourism Bureau has launched the 10th Urban centered culture festival yesterday under the theme “Culture for Nations Peace and Unity”. State Minister of Culture and Tourism Bizunesh Meseret in her opening remark said that Ethiopia is a country endowed with different cultures and heritages and the society must discharge its responsibility in promoting our cultures.

Bizunesh added that in addition to promoting the culture the society must fight against alien culture and give awareness for the youth who are highly vulnerable to it. Addis Ababa City Government Culture and Tourism Bureau Head Assistant Professor Nebiyu Baye on the occasion noted that the decision of the global tourism institution European Council on Tourism and Trade to register Addis Ababa on the desired list of World’s Capital of Culture and Tourism comes in recognition of the ambitious plan by Deputy Mayor Takele Uma to place tourism at the fore front of the city development.

Nebiyu added that, the existence of a vast array of historical and religious monuments among the reasons for crowning the city as a world cultural and touristic hub the European Council on Tourism and Trade enumerated. By this recognition of Addis Ababa as World Capital of Culture and Tourism, the capital city of Ethiopia is added on the world`s list of cities leading humanity into development and using culture and tourism as fundamentals for a better life.

Addis Ababa is a world-class urban tourism destination, with tourism sites ranging from full heritage sites, including traditional palaces, churches, mosques and famous markets like Merkato and Shiromeda, to state of the art architecture and museums. Assistant Professor Nebiyu further expressed deep gratitude and appreciation for the society which participates in producing traditional cloth, poetry and other activities which expresses the culture of Ethiopia in a well manner.

Addis Ababa as host destination of World Capital of Culture and Tourism program will feature its fair and inclusive tourism initiative in the conference program, promoting the importance of building inclusive tourism for all. The global tourism institution ECTT remarked in the official statement that, Addis Ababa is blending its position in one of the most beautiful regions in the world, with the potential of culture and history patrimony, becoming a true world treasure and without a doubt, one of the most impressive areas of Africa.

Herald  FEBRUARY 2/2019


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