The Fight against COVID-19: Experience from China, the imperative of global coalition and cooperation

The outbreak of the novel corona virus (COVID-19) was significant in the calendar of Chinese as it coincided with the beginning of the new Chinese spring festival, with an estimated movement of over 60 million Chinese throughout the country.

Out bursting in Wuhan, China, by the end of 2019, COVID-19 has now become a global pandemic. At the early stages of the spread of the virus, not few people have wrongly perceived it as a predicament solely affecting China. The reluctance and the pretense of hesitancy not to take the matter seriously and lack of early preparedness are costing humanity dearly. Once COVID-19 stretched its wings throughout the world, the reaction was spontaneous; the response was disorganized and lacked clear global strategy and leadership.

Many countries suspended flights and also evacuated their nationals from Wuhan in response to the situation in Wuhan. Doing so, it was taken as waterproof to stop the spread of the virus reaching their borders. But apparently the virus, without discrimination, knocked every border across the board, and has become ubiquitous. Meanwhile, countries waited to respond until it knocked at their doors. Many friends and partners of China showered messages of sympathy and solidarity with the people and government of China, especially with the residents of Wuhan, the epicenter of COVID-19.

Those who had the means donated some medical equipment to assist the fight until China quickly shored up its capability in a short period of time. Today COVID-19 has become an immense global challenge that tested the capacity of the existing health systems,  political and religious leadership and humanity across the globe. It is threatening and seriously disrupting social systems and cultural values. Global economies, big or small, are taken to ‘intensive care units’ (ICU) ; and, unless global community joins hands against this evil and salvage, the damage inflicted in continents like Africa, is indescribable. COVID-19 is not only a global health catastrophe but its implication is far broader and deeper. If not contained in the shortest possible time, like China has managed to do, the economic, social and cultural and hence the political and security consequences of COVID-19 could be much graver than we can all possible imagine. The Chinese, despite some escalated rhetoric of accusations here and there, took very stringent measures to protect and control the COVID-19 spread.

There cannot be any better proof to that than locking down, Wuhan city- a city of eleven million residents. Many countries and cities in Europe attempted to lockdown the entire realms and cities but could not contain the fast spreading of the virus. Here is why? In my opinion, for two simple reasons, strict enforcement of the lockdown by the city administrations and also by the full and total compliance and adherence by the general public. I think that has made the difference distinct. By locking down, the epicenter, what the Chinese did was essentially containing the virus at the hotbed and halting the spreading to other parts of China. The official statistics clearly show that about three-fourth of the total infected caseloads in China was in Hubei Province and mainly in Wuhan city. Whether that was an effective measure or not, let me cite one principal case.

The largest province of China, Guangdong, the province of over 100 million people, had an overall infected cases of 1,588 as of April 15, 2020. Large cities like Beijing and Shanghai had by far less cases of 588 and 532 respectively. In other words, even if Wuhan paid the highest price and heavy sacrifices in relative terms, the Chinese strategy of protection and containment was effective. Lockdown of the city of Wuhan was accompanied by strict stay-at-home policy and those who travelled to Wuhan city before the lockdown remained in the city until the locked down was lifted on April 8.

It has been observed that some media attempted to criticize China for being so harsh and restrictive on its citizens. Policy making has always been a matter of choice and Chinese chose to take tough measures which finally paid off. When the choice is between saving lives or maintaining personal freedom, then I would tend to go along with the choice made by China for taking stringent measures that helped save the lives of its citizens and those who are hosted by China. This is how a country has to fight a hard battle with an implacable enemy that is posing a clear and existential danger to its citizens.

Given the size of the population of China (1.4 billion) and given the fact that the virus is transmitted mainly through personal contacts, what better choice could one deploy to save the Chinese? Staying indoors for 76 days is not a good or easy thing but when the other evil is risking infection by COVID-19, rationally one opts for a lesser evil. If the Chinese were let freely move around in a crowd which is always congested because of their sheer size, today the result would have been, for sure, much different. Restricting movements and avoiding perilous consequences were efficacious instruments of a good policy choice. The residents of Wuhan remained indoors for 11 weeks ( from January 23rd to April 8) and now they are enjoying their freedom. With patience, perseverance, courage they prevailed and finally saved the nation with relatively less price.

By applying social distancing and strictly adhering to the directives issued by the government, they saved themselves, their loved ones and fellow human beings. They deserve great appreciation and congratulations.

The leadership: The CPC and the Government

It is important here to clearly state the role of each actor. At the official reporting of the virus, the Communist Party of China (CPC) had analyzed the nature of the virus and weighed the plausible policy options. The Secretary General of CPC Central Committee and President of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Mr Xi Jinping, declared the fight against COVID-19, by making bold political statement.

First and foremost, the President asserted by saying that China is committed, determined and has the capability to defeat the virus. This call set the political direction and tone, followed by set of measures to be implemented scrupulously at all levels. Setting policy directives, procedures and protocols on protection and creating national task-force and allocating the necessary resources was the first thing in a series of actions taken by the leadership.

China, a country with oldest bureaucracy, has refined structures on both accounts of the party and the government structures, from the Centre to the grassroots level. Secondly, the government also quickly organised national task-force under the State Council, the party being at the lead position.

 The State Council – brought all relevant institutions together and pooled resources necessary for fighting COVID-19. The day-to-day monitoring of the execution was done rigorously. It was very clear that Wuhan needed extra resources and support and hence mobilizing health professionals from other provinces and from the army was absolutely necessary.

This was done in an amazing speed of light. The national arrangement was meticulously decentralised at all levels of administration to the grassroots level with flexibility to adjusting to local circumstance with main parameters kept in check. The national mobilization to fight COVID-19 was very amazing and impressive, whether it was human, financial or material resources needed to effectively execute the direction set by the government.

That clearly indicated the critical role of the political commitment and determination by the political leadership. The other critical issue was the Chinese capability to manage the crisis. Among other things, construction of a 1,000 bed hospital in 10 days, increasing the production capacity of protection gears from a million a day to tens of millions, was simply unbelievable. With strong commitment, China has shown to the world that it can deliver. Coupled to this was, the controlling work done by the Chinese health system. The capacity to screen, diagnose, test and treat those positive increased daily. The health professionals were mobilised like an army in the shortest possible time and descended in Wuhan. Information has it that about 42,600 medical experts from all over China have been in service in Wuhan. Thanks to their patriotism, about 94% of those infected in Hubei did manage to recover.

The role of the general public in the Fight against COVID-19.

The role of the public in the fight against COVID-19, I think, was indispensable factor in the positive result achieved. Fighting COVID-19, like any national crisis could have not been as successful as we see it today, without the involvement of the public. The role of the public in the protection exercise was absolutely imperative. The Chinese society is hierarchical. If we were to go by the Chinese experience, the role of the public including the residents of Wuhan in the containment of COVID-19 was simply irreplaceable. The Chinese government declared the lock down of Wuhan on the eve of the Chinese Spring festival. After the end of the initially planned 10 days, the government further extended the holidays and for all returning holiday makers 14 days isolation was imposed and the public obliged. Those who did not move in the first place were asked to remain indoors and many cities normally crowded looked like ghost cities including the capital, Beijing.

Social distancing and personal hygiene and use of protective gears as guided by the relevant authorities were fully observed. Few outliers were brought to comply with strict enforcement. Such loyal and disciplined participation by the 1.4 billion Chinese citizens, undoubtedly, played great share in the protection and containment strategy designed by the Chinese government. Local and community workers with their enviable diligence, duty-boundness and patriotism were just exemplary.

The Role of the Medical and Health Professionals

The role played by medical experts in the fight against COVID-19 cannot be explained enough by using the superlatives we normally use. It was an untold sacrifice as they risked their own lives and went beyond and above their normal call of duty. The Chinese health experts took the fight as a matter of national pride. It was a question of proving to the world the Chinese capability as stated by their leader. The fighting spirit and the patriotism was clearly an indicative of how determined  they were to demonstrate to the rest of the world that China can do it.

 Over 42,000 Chinese from different corners of China were mobilized and assembled in Wuhan for this national fight. Today, they are heroes and heroines of the Chinese nation and indeed of humanity for that matter. In the same vein, health-care workers grappling with this pandemic all over the world with weak facilities and insufficient protection gears deserve our praise and uninterrupted support. Without their selfless scarifies, the world would have witnessed more fatalities and less recovery.

Can I express the role of health care workers than the words of British PM Borris Johnson when he owed his recovery to them. Many fellow human beings are today with their families, thanks for the unprecedented service of our health care workers. Wherever they maybe, they all deserve our appreciation and our strongest suppor.

 Media and information dissemination

The media as in other cases played extremely vital role in the process. Daily briefing online or acceptable distance was one important tool not only provide information but also educating and creating awareness among the population. As much as there were fake news, social media with its wide reach also positively contributed. Media should play in creating national consensus and international solidarity.

 Application of technology

China has widely applied the available technology in the fight against COVID-19. Big data was used in generating information every 24 hours from every part of China and data was readily available every morning where you can survey the status of the virus not only in China but also in all countries where the virus was reported. Live updates helped to follow the trends. China also applied artificial intelligence (AI) to the extent that some robots were used in providing services and helped to avoid contacts with critical patients. Several other technologies were used in treatment and also in reach and vaccine development. It is the combination of all these factors that helped China to mitigate the catastrophe caused by COVID-19 with relatively a minimum cost.

Can this be replicated elsewhere?

No two social, economic, political and cultural settings are identical. It is in view of this reality that the Chinese experience cannot simply be replicated in many countries. This, however, does not mean that there are no lessons that can be learnt, no experience that cannot be shared. Surely, there are plenty of lessons and experiences that can be suitably adapted and could be put in use in different contexts.

The unity of purpose

 The unity of purpose forged by the government, the people and the health workers and other organized groups and individuals is something worth emulating. Since the virus does not discriminate against any group or attack all sectors of the society, regardless of our colour, sex, political orientation, unity of purpose and sense of responsibility were absolutely critical in mitigating the effects of the virus.

And, faithful and responsible adherence to the guidelines and directive set by the government and advices by the health professions was a must. Failure in this regard, which is much of a challenge in many countries would lead to heavy price.

 When compared the situation in China and many African countries, locking down a city or remaining at homes may prove to be difficult where millions in Africa must go out and earn their living on a daily basis. In such a circumstance, stay-home policy is simply a luxury. However, we can still play our part even if we cannot remain indoors, by strictly practicing social and physical distancing and keeping personal hygiene as much as possible supported by using protective gears.

Sharing what we have

The culture of sharing is not something we have to embrace anew because of COVID-19. It is a value ingrained in many societies throughout the word. That is why many philanthropists leave their homes and travel all across, the world to help the less fortunate ones. Today COVID-19 has restricted mobilities of people beyond borders, and immediate neighbours and communities are the next available ones to help each other. There are many who cannot afford basic necessities that help protect themselves and their loved ones as well as their communities. For many, personal hygiene and protective gears are not easily available and affordable again in poor countries. Here comes the role of community or the concept of sharing. I am sure with our human greediness when fellow neighbours have no single mask to wear, there are many who hoard them and even to the extent not using. In fact those who afford such can also afford to remain home. Therefore, sharing with those who do not have or cannot afford must be a value we all should practise in the fight against COVID-19. This is one lesson we can replicate to our circumstances. Again PM Abiy imitated the concept of sharing a meal and set an example by taking the lead with the First Lady, leading by example.

Ethiopia’s national effort to contain COVID-19: Lessons from China

I would like to contextualize Ethiopia’s response in the light of the above. The government of Ethiopia followed the spread of the virus since it was first reported in Wuhan. Ethiopia stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the government and people of China at this challenging time. As Ethiopia’s interaction with China continued, the concerned institutions began preparation for any eventuality by way of protecting and controlling the spread of the virus.

 The Ministry of Health and the Ethiopian Public Health Institute began preparation as early as they could. One was building the diagnostic and testing capacity and the capacity to treat those found positive. In line with this, the institutions worked to create awareness about the virus, screen travellers at airports, prepare medical and isolation centers and train medical personnel.

The capacity is steadily being built but not yet reached to the required level. As experience from China shows, the critical measure for countries like Ethiopia and many in Africa, I believe, is to focus on protection. The role of the public is critically vital. Therefore, awareness creation among the general public through media is being done in greater -scale now. As the cases increased recently, the government took additional measures led by the Council of Ministers.

 Moreover, national task force has been established at ministerial level to coordinate national and regional interventions. Several other sub-task forces have also been formed; and like a task force for national resources mobilisation is also put in place. Ethiopia also closed its land borders in its effort to contain the spread of the virus. Fourteen days mandatory quarantine has also been introduced on all arrivals. Non essential public service workers  are ordered to work from home.

Social events, business and religious gatherings are being suspended through their institutional mechanisms. Given the grave implications of the COVID-19, PM Abiy Ahmed (PhD) also launched global solidarity in support of African countries. These are some of the major steps that are taken by the government of Ethiopia under the leadership of PM Abiy. These are not easy measures for countries like Ethiopia. We are forced to choose the lesser evil. The target is to contain it at its early stage before it gets out of hand. Recently, the Council of Ministers was compelled to declare state of emergency to intensify the national effort. As behavioural change for a society with embedded communal value, to learn a new value imposed by the pandemic is not easily achievable. However when it is life or death matter the choice is obvious. Our survival instinct if not anything should persuade us to learn new habits. The great challenges and difficulties Ethiopia and many African countries facing are similar. The nature of virus is a challenge by itself. It does not stop at borders; it affects all humanity regardless of race, religion, colour, gender, geography. It is a challenge of global scale. It is pushing the limits of the wealthiest nations. Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine the threat the virus poses on weak economies, with fragile health systems and infrastructure like Ethiopia and the rest of many African countries. The mother of all challenges is how to protect and save the lives of 110 million Ethiopians.

 Ethiopia’s national capability to respond adequately to the fight against COVID-19 is a number one challenge. The capacity to diagnose, test and treat, isolate and quarantine are not easy measures. The second and most important challenge is the economic and social challenge. Weak Economies like ours will hit hard. Short and long term strategies are needed. The national, regional global coordination and solidarity appears to be a serious challenge. As there is huge tendency to move unilaterally and act within national borders, PM Abiy is taking several initiatives to mobilize the badly needed global strategy and support. There some positive responses but those who could have made a big difference have not yet embraced the global coalition. The coalition of the willing should emerge and I think, Africa as the most vulnerable continent should take the driver’s seat. The effort of PM Abiy, in this regard is commendable and needs the support of others. If not there, regret will follow and history will judge this generation of leaders harshly.

The African situation

 Indeed, the cases in Africa are increasing. From what we observed in China, the coming two to three weeks are extremely critical. Protection and containing at the early stage is very decisive. At least, we have experience to learn from countries like China. Africans can use them by adjusting to their own specific situations. The current low cases should not lead to complacency. It is good that the African Centre for Disease Control (CDC) is coordinating continental efforts and setting guidelines based on World Health Organization (WHO) general guidelines. As PM Abiy said Africa cannot win this battle alone. Nor can others win the battle alone. Therefore, pan-African solidarity is of paramount importance. Again PM Abiy launched an initiative with Jack Ma Foundation and mobilized the batches of continent wide donation for diagnostic kits and protective gears to all 54 African Union member states.

Since March 22, 2020, Ethiopian Airlines is forwarding the donations to all African capitals. This is one good example of continental and global solidarity. In the same manner PM Abiy has made an appeal to Group7 and Group20 countries for financial interventions without which the weak African economies can easily collapse. This is not only in 6 Africa’s interest; by saving the continent’s economy and social fabric, the global community will also benefit. And time is of the utmost essence.

China-Ethiopia partnership

 China and Ethiopia have had coordination since the outbreak of the virus in Wuhan. As the two countries have the highest level of cooperation, a Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership, Ethiopia stood on Chinese side during this trying time. Ethiopian leaders sent messages of solidarity and support to Chinese counterparts. PM Abiy and President Xi had a comprehensive telephone conversation on the challenges and consequences of COVID-19. President Xi expressed gratitude and appreciation to the government and peoples of Ethiopia for their unreserved support to China.

 The President of Ethiopia Sahlework Zewdie and PM Abiy also expressed their trust and confidence in the leadership of China and its capability to protect and control the virus. The Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, Gedu Andargachew, also wrote to his Chinese counterpart, State Councilor Wang Yi. Ethiopian students in Wuhan and in China, Ethiopian community members and Ethiopian diplomatic missions in China also demonstrated their strong commitment and support to China during the fight against COVID-19. Ethiopian Airlines, the largest aviation group in Africa, in line with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), International Air Transport Association (IATA) and WHO guidelines never suspended its operation to its five destinations in China. These are practical and countable measures of solidarity.

Th Role of China

 I have personally witnessed the national fight waged by China and the national coordination from the centre to the grassroots level. President Xi at the beginning of the spread of the virus stated confidently that the government of China has the commitment, capability and determination to overcome the challenge. Now when we see the positive results today we can witness that is a practically proved mechanism.

Literally all the Chinese joined hands in sense of national pride, patriotism and human solidarity. The medical experts on the frontline were in the fighting mood and certainty went beyond their call of duty. They sacrificed their precious lives and save lives of their fellow citizen and other human beings. They acted bravely and decisively. With the effort of the government, the health workers, the Chinese people, the media and all other sectors of the society, have shown to the world the way to protect and control such a national challenge. Now China with its own fight still at hand, decided to extend its support globally by sending health professionals to share experience, donating medical supplies and also contributing to global system by donating to WHO.

 China is taking the global fight seriously and understood very well that victory can only be claimed if COVID19 is defeated globally. No country can claim unilateral victory over it. Its impact is immense. Post-crisis period recovery needs global coordinated efforts. In order to bring back our global system in place, the fight should be done together and success can only be measured globally. China has done its part in unprecedented way. Its mobilization capability and the peoples loyalty to comply with the directives of the government was extraordinary.

The rest of the world should learn from it. China, after almost brining the virus under control, in turn, is extending its solidarity to its friends like Ethiopia by sharing its experience and by also donating medical supplies. Ethiopia is among the first three African countries to benefit from the generous support of China. China understood very well the need for global solidarity, coordination and support if the positive results in China could be 7 sustained. Many private sectors in China including Jack Ma Foundation, the HUAJIAN Group and others have already delivered donations to Ethiopia. Others are in the pipeline and Ethiopian task force in China is coordinating these efforts. Both China and Ethiopia value the significance of joint actions and collective efforts.

Global cooperation and coalition

As I said above, this is a global challenge. It is not confined in any given territory. That is why global cooperation and global strategy are absolutely necessary. We have our global institution, WHO to coordinate and work with. WHO has an enormous experience and resources. As PM Abiy clearly stated in his recent article published by Financial Times, let us empower WHO, let us provide the necessary resource and financial support to the organization. However the current attack and discrediting of the Organization is in no one’s interest.

No international institution is perfect. Nor WHO claims to be one. Now is not time to scrutinize the institution. Now is the time to work and build on its strength. As a learning institution, WHO can learn from its daily operation and redress some of its failures here and there. If the organization in this crisis management, has failed and then, the members will have to hold those accountable as the fight against the plague is concluded. Focus and priority must be our guiding principle. There is no need to reinvent a wheel. WHO has regional and national offices in all member states and better qualified to lead the global response. It is time for more concerted and coordinated global effort and more, and not less. Isolated and national efforts alone could not do the job International cooperation and partnership at a global scale is a must when fighting the coronavirus pandemic and China, as country first exposed to the virus, can play a leading role in this action. No single county, big or small, rich or poor, South or North can win this battle in its own because the spread of the virus as we can see is borderless. The recent imported cases to China, at the wake of its control of the virus locally clearly indicate the imperative of collective action and coordination. Governments need coordination at policy level. China’s engagement with Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries is a good example of regional cooperation and this can be scaled up to engage different regional arrangements in Africa and elsewhere.

 Xenophobia and discrimination

People should understand that pandemics had been breaking out in any part of the world in the past and they will in the future. Virus affects all humanity. Therefore, to attach the virus to the citizens where the virus broke out is wrong. Nor is it right to attach it to any other group. This is based on wrong perception. The leaders at all levels and the ordinary people should fight equally the stigma, xenophobia and discrimination wherever it occurs. We are all human beings. In this interconnected world we can either swim together or sink together. Let us stop any signs of discrimination in relations to the virus. We need to think rationally, reasonable and act based on evidence . It is wrong to be friends in times of sunshine and to run away when it rains. Human beings should support, care and love each other at times of challenges and also celebrate victory together. Together, we can win the fight a against COVID 19 and celebrate victory soon.


Author’s Profile and Disclaimer: Teshome Toga Chanaka is currently an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to the People’s Republic of China. The author contributed this article on his personal capacity. The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the view of the government and the organization that he represents.

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