“Unity, rule of law non negotiable”

.Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed

.Government exerts utmost effort to address inflation

ADDIS ABABA- Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed told members of the parliament that unity and rule of law are none negotiable values that his administration stand firm for while signaling all rounded efforts to maintain economic growth and abate inflation rate.


On Friday Premier Abiy answered questions put forward by MPs on wide ranges of current & Socioeconomic and political developments in the country. Responding to political affairs, he said by widening the political space, exiled politicians and designated political parties as terrorist groups are returned home and are contributing their share to the political reform.


He stressed that all political parties need to further use the chance and put ideological arguments instead of unnecessary confrontations. He also denounced some groups and individuals for trying to mix up peaceful and violence means of struggle. He called on political parties to organize themselves and acquaint the people with their policies.


With regards to the displacement of peoples, he condemned such acts and stressed that respecting the rights of the minorities is inevitable as the rule of the majority is kept intact everywhere throughout the country. “People must learn to strengthen the values that kept them together,” he noted. The government has already detained people who are suspected of human rights violation and embezzlement is working closely with states to apprehend suspects who remain at large hiding among the community.


But their situation equates the state of incarceration. Even though the treatment at correctional facilities at Federal level is so far better, there are some inconveniences in some States, said the Premier. He also noted that there have been attempts by some groups to use

learning institutions as a battle ground to incite ethnic conflicts but the government has managed to restore law and order through its unreserved efforts. In terms of economic reforms Abiy said by improving national projects’ performance and reducing public expenditures economic inflation has dropped by quarter.

“What the government is still exerting effort is to prevent possible economic stagnation,” he noted In terms of tax collection there has been improvements showing upward growth in revenues though it is not enough. Speaking of investment, the premier said that the sector has seen arrival of big multinational companies from around the globe including the German car maker Volkswagen.

The Premier on the other hand stated that the contribution of the media to the nation’s new exercise of democracy has been less than the expected status. Even some public media have been engaged in escalating tensions and preaching hostility, according to him.

He stressed the need for restrain to some extent and reforming the media to embrace the values of harmony and unity. The media has to be financially independent for crafting positive messages. Prime Minster Abiy also responded to other question concerning national issues in the parliament’s extraordinary session.

Herald February 2/2019


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