Bureau registers historic ‘Ye Bego Adragot’ Building

ADDIS ABEBA- ‘Ye Bego Adragot Building’ which took shape in Ethiopia during the Italian Occupation period registered as the heritages of Addis, City’s Culture and Tourism Bureau told The Ethiopian Herald.
Heritage Supervision and Inventory Director with the Bureau, Dereje Seyoum, said the registration came after making studies on the building’s architectural touch.
“The Bureau is convinced as the building should be conserved for its touristic and architectural importance.” Funds would be raised to renovate the building and use it for services like hotel or cultural restaurant in addition to services it has been rendering, he added.
Addis has many historical houses which do not see the light of the day owing to low public awareness, he noted, adding that the Bureau will continue its studies to identify and register the houses. In this regard, three historic houses including that of ‘Sheik Hojeli’s palace would soon get renewal, he added.
Speaking of private participation, Dereje said International Model Liya Kebede has also contributed for the conservation effort that included relocating residents from historic house to condominium apartments. The Bureau has registered over 440 heritages so far, it was learnt.
The Ethiopian Herald, November 30/2018

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