Abiy’s diplomatic walk over 300 days

Since assuming power, Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed has been marching at all diplomatic frontiers and spent rosier 300 days worth telling. In unprecedented manner, Premier Abiy ended the 20 years of deadlock characterized by ‘no war and no peace’ scenario between Ethiopia and Eritrea wining the minds and hearts of world leaders.

The rapprochement has flickered ray of hope for the world rocked by persistent conflicts and wars. With the peace deal made without a third party intervention, the two countries reestablhied relations, but the entire African continent has woken up to a new dawn of cooperation. His message of harmony and synergy also reverberated across the Horn with Eritrea and Somalia elevating their relations in to new heights no to forget Djibouti as well.

Abiy also stood shoulder high when it comes to establishing strong ties with Gulf countries bringing immense economic opportunities to his country specially in filling the coffer of hard currency, something which the country was left with empty one. With the warming up relations, some multinational companies are making their way to the country with piles of cash to invest in the country.

For long, political disorder and tension was going furry between the government and the Diasporas something which damaged the reputation of the country. However, Abiy’s diplomacy was strong enough to break the walls of hatred and to build a bridge of love and synergic unity with the diasporas, who have now contributed some 2 million USD as part of the Diaspora Trust Fund launched by Abiy. In fact he turned the Diasporas from street protestors into vanguard reform backers. This is marvelous achievement for a country very much in need of the highly sought remittance.

His amicable character towards politicians also changed the political landscape of the country which used to be adversarial. Exiled political figures and political parties some designated as terrorist groups came back home as the House of People’s Representatives lifted them out of the black list. Since his assuming power, leaders of various countries paid official visits to the country as a sign of appreciations to the ongoing reform spearheaded by Abiy.

He also played an active role in attracting direct foreign investments that saw multinational companies, including huge investment agreement with by the German Auto Manufacturer, Volkswagen. Of late, in what could be said the zenith of diplomatic career, Prime Minister Abiy took part in World Economic Forum where he met major global players including leaders of various countries, diplomats , investors , intellectuals and others. For his achievement, Abiy has already received honorary medal from UAE, Saudi Arabia and also made headlines on the international spotlight and made list of influential leaders by Foreign policy Magazine.

Herald February 1/2019


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