Dr. Markos receives credentials of Australian Ambassador to Ethiopia

State Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Markos Tekle received copies of Credentials of Australian Ambassador to Ethiopia, Ambassador Peter Doyle esterday. State Minister Dr. Markos welcomed Ambassador Peter Doyle to his office

and commended Australia’s interest to connect, strengthen bilateral ties between the two countries.

Dr. Markos said, “You came to Ethiopia at an interesting time while the country is undergoing economic and political reforms that have regional impact-elevating wind of hope across the Horn region.” The State Minister also emphasized the importance of up-scaling relations in trade, investment, business and especially in mining sector between Australia and Ethiopia.

Ambassador Peter Doyle welcomed the keen interest of Ethiopia to strengthen relations between the two countries highlighting Australia’s interest to support Ethiopia in capacity building, education and development Projects. The Australian Ambassador said, “Australia supports Ethiopia’s multifaceted economic, political reforms.

We’ve interest to deepen bilateral ties with Ethiopia in mining, tourism, investment and humanitarian assistance.” Ethiopia’s friendship with Australia dates back to 1965.

herald january 31/2019



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