The need to boost wood-work industry

Next to stone, clay and animal remnants, wood was one of the first materials used for making furniture by early human beings. Supported with technology, wood can be used for multi purposes in their daily lives. This wood technology grows locally and internationally, so many companies prepared different wood materials and make it branded. We can mention some biggest internationally well known furniture retailer like IEKA, Steelcase, Boconcept and others.

In our country, the wood industry is now exhibiting big change better than the previous years, in terms of designs, quality of the materials, user’s attitude. These all changes have been brought from TVET Colleges since such wood or furniture designers have been emerged from these colleges.

Ethio-China Polytechnic College Wood Technology Trainer G/Medhin Gesesse said that “We teach students on masters and bachelor degrees as well as diploma programs. Our education is based on the current technology and lifestyle of the society. They could create new furniture designs which can be used for dual purposes; for example furniture that can be used as bed and table at the same time. Some students attempt to find out the thing that can replace tree for making furniture so as to minimize the consumption of trees.

As to him, our major problem is shortage of new technological machineries, unlike in most countries which use manufactured boards to produce different furniture; but in our country, we still use by cutting trees. Therefore, the government has to give more emphasis for the development of more new technological machineries.

Like those international companies, Ethiopian furniture companies have to develop this industry and make our country well known in furniture industry. Because, why Ethiopia always imports manufactured materials for furniture since we could boost innovation in this regard. To go through this idea, the government has to play big role starting from the education system, and fulfilling machineries and new technologies.

Waryt Wood Work Managing Director Nebiyeleuel Legese said: “We started this business ten years ago; at that time, getting an employee who has knowledge of medium density fiber known as MDF was not possible, but now it’s better than the previous.

Using such MDF material is really important and it shows the development of Ethiopian wood industry; additionally, it can replace the use of wood and helps to minimize the destruction of forest. Regarding to the design, we are competent with these foreign furniture materials; however, there are some problems on finishing chemical supply because it does not exist here in our country.

Nebiyeleuel also recommend that the government needs to work in cooperation with TVET colleges to provide support for the furniture industry that it will help producing well educated manpower and boosting different innovations.

Like our gusts opinions, Nebiyeleuel said that this wood-work industry shows big change through time on its design and quality. Beside from this, the government and other stakeholders have to work jointly more in fulfilling finished machines, chemicals and build schools furnished with modern materials in the class rooms.

 The Ethiopian Herald March 11/2020


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